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YOU * U Focus Groups Fall 2005
Participants in Artella's
Create Your Own YOUniversity (aka YOU * U), and its graduate program, the
YOU * U Masters in Marketing Program,
are presenting new focus groups to test out samples of the e-courses, eBooks, and teleworkshops that they have created in these courses.
Take a look at these unique offerings, below, and sign up to participate in these "test run" offerings. By taking part in these focus groups and providing feedback about your experience (usually in the form of a questionnaire or survey), you'll be among the first to receive the work of these talented individuals at absolutely no cost! You'll also receive a bundle of valuable thank-you bonus gifts, as a token of appreciation for your time and feedback.
Check out the bonuses here!
Please read through the descriptions of each focus group, and sign up for the ones that draw you in and "sing out" to YOU! Thank you so much for supporting the valuable work of this talented YOU * U class, and for being part of the wonderful world of Artella!
"8 Minute Marketing: Crafting Your Marketing Message (The Easy, 'Make Money' Way)"
e-Course and Teleclass by Karen Kuklinski
Does your artistic, creative self sometimes get stuck on knowing what to say to market
yourself and your business? Do you have a clear message that feels right and captures
your essence (while also earning money and delighting your customers)?
Karen Kuklinski, a longtime member of the Artella community, and a teacher of Entrepreneurial
Marketing at Miami University in Oxford, OH will walk you through the steps of creating your
dream marketing message.
The class includes:
- 3 e-Course Lessons (1 each week) & corresponding step-by-step exercises
- 3 e-Course "Check-In's" later each week to encourage you and see how you did
- 1 Teleclass (Note: For the telegathering, participants will call a bridge line that is a regular long-distance phone number.)
Desired Participants: Anyone committed to making their business a success. This class will take 2-3 hours per week for 3 weeks.
Relevant Dates: e-Course Lessons will be sent on 9/26, 10/3 and 10/10. e-Course "Check-In's" will be sent on 9/29, 10/6 and 10/13. Teleclass will be held on Monday 10/3 at 8pm EDT. At the end of the course you will be given a survey to fill out and turn in by Monday 10/17 -- so you can be entered into the Artella Raffle!
To find out more about Karen's other offerings, or for more information, email Karen..
"Cheap Camera, Great Photographer - Taking Photos You Love With The Digital Camera You Have"
e-Course by Linda Vining
Description: This e-Course is the first in a series of offerings on digital photography by nature and wildlife photographer, Linda Vining. The underlying purpose of all Linda's offerings is to use the gift of photography to enliven and deepen the connection between ourselves and the world around us. This course will teach methods that Linda herself uses, with a specific focus on enabling the everyday 'snapshot taker' to achieve results that are both expressive and impressive.
"Cheap Camera, Great Photographer" will be offered to the focus group in prototype form. Linda anticipates presenting the initial section of the course in more than one format (e-book and workbook, online forum, and lessons presented online via FlashPlayer and QuickTime). As a participant, we would like you to use all of the formats in the hope that you will tell us what aspects of each presentation method are most useful and most fun. (It's supposed to be fun!) You will have the opportunity to practice and share the skills taught in this initial section of the course. Participants who complete and return the online survey at the end of the presentation will receive a selection of free offerings from Artella, an opportunity to participate in the Artella raffle for even more prizes, and a deep discount from Linda on the completed version of "Cheap Camera, Great Photographer".
Desired Participants:
If you enjoy taking photographs and you own or have access to ANY digital camera, we want you! Beginner or experienced, pro-sumer camera or pocket digital (no camera phones, please) --- we plan to offer methods that will be useful across a wide range of skill and equipment.
Relevant Dates: Sign-ups for the course will be accepted beginning Monday, September 19, 2005, until the course is full. A Yahoo! Group for the course will be opened on Friday, September 23, 2005. Participants will be notified by email. Throughout the remaining weeks of September, course material will be distributed to participants, and Linda and the group will share informally via the course's Yahoo! Group. A formal survey will be distributed to participants on Friday, October 7, 2005. Completed surveys MUST be returned by October 16 in order to participate in the Artella gifts and raffle.
To find out about Linda's other offerings, or for more information, email Linda.
"Filling Your Own Well: The Art of Self-Acknowledgment"
e-Course Sample by Jenny Ryan
Description: Participants will receive the first five days of this e-Course and complete a short survey to provide feedback on their experience. One lesson will be emailed each day from Monday, September 26 through Friday,September 30.
Desired Participants:
Anyone who is ready to be reminded of their own, personal brilliance.
Relevant Dates: The e-Course sample will run from Monday, September 26 through Friday,September 30. Participants will receive a short survey on October 3rd to provide feedback on their experience. Surveys are due back by October 10th.
To find out about Jenny's other offerings, or for more information, email Jenny .
"How to Attract What You Want and Live a More Meaningful Life"
e-Course and Teleclass by Al Harris
Description: Have you ever wondered why you easily create at some times but not others?
Your Inner harmony is the key!
In this course you will use the hidden power in music to activate harmony that is already inside you. Creation then occurs naturally, so you can...
- Create what you want, instead of what you donÂ’t want.
- Tap vast inner resources when you need help.
- Get unstuck from repeating patterns.
Desired Participants:
This eCourse is for you if you want to...
- Unleash your creativity.
- Turn "normal life" into fun and adventure.
- Replace lack with abundance.
Relevant Dates: As a focus group participant, you get:
- A 40-page workbook - emailed to you Sept. 26th.
- Three FREE music pieces to experiment with, available Sept. 26th.
- A audio talk to help spark your creativity, available Sept. 29nd.
- A teleclass for troubleshooting and problem-solving on October 4th. If you cannot attend, it will be available as a recording later.
The course is 3 weeks long so you can get first-hand experience with music, your own inner guidance, and the help of the Universe. Your feedback would then be greatly appreciated, so I will be sending out a survey on October 14th, to be returned by October 17th.
You do not need to be a musician or know anything about music.
All you need is already inside you.
This course helps you activate it so you can partner with the force that runs the Universe.
To find out more about Al's other offerings, or for more information, e-mail Al.
"How To Throw Your Glasses Away: Proven Techniques for Restoring Natural Sight"
eBook Sample and Teleclass Series by Jeannie Fitzsimmons-Diamond, CNVI, LCT
Our eyes know how to see for us - without glasses or contacts. In "How to Throw Your Glasses Away," you'll learn playful, enlivening, relaxing, childlike seeing habits that naturally restore your sight. You will learn to let your eyes dance, allow the mental and emotional strain that's inhibiting your eyesight to dissolve, know how to stop harmful habits, and reduce the glasses use. The "why of
having a blur" will become clear, as you let these habits of unconscious stress go. As an expert vision trainer, I teach you the
secrets of visual relaxation, how to reignite your sight, give you tips, blast the myths, give answers and the secrets of seeing. One
day, you simply won't need the "crutches" anymore. Mine are gone! The result is "happy eyes that can see again--naturally".
Desired Participants:
This class is for you if you are tired of being stuck in glasses, want a natural way to see better without surgery or eye-exercises, want to understand how to reverse back to natural, want to see more clearly at any distance, or want to prevent the
"reading glasses" fate. It is for near, far, astigmatic, or bi-tri-focal glasses wearers.
Note: The initial vision questionnaire and first 2 tele-classes are required. The third is optional, but recommended. This presents three parts of a 12-part tele-training. Participants will
be asked to fill out a survey about their experience. Comprehensive PopQuiz is on:
Relevant dates:
The three Tele-seminars take place on these three dates:
- Sunday, September 25
- Monday, October 3
- Monday, October 10
Each class is at 6:00pm EDT (Note: This is 3:00pm PDT), and will last for one hour.
(Note: For the teleclass, participants will call a bridge line that is a regular long-distance phone number.)
Participants will complete a survey that must be returned by October 17.
To learn more about Jeannie's offerings, or for more information, e-mail Jeannie.
"Moments of Light: Exploring the Sacred in Everyday Life through Personal Journaling and Creative Writing"
eBook sample by Julie Isaac
Description: Whether you view life as a sacred journey or follow a specific spiritual or religious path, "Moments of Light" will help you explore both the ordinary and extraordinary moments of your life from a sacred perspective. Using a variety of journal writing techniques and creativity exercises, you will explore the significance of difficult moments, the deeper meaning of everyday experiences, and the mysterious, often unseen causes that enliven our relationships. "Moments of Light" also provides writing resources that can help you turn the stories and insights your writing reveals into publishable personal stories. Focus group participants will review a portion of Julie's eBook and answer a feedback survey.
Desired Participants: This offering is ideal for writers, spiritual seekers, and religious practitioners, and will be of special interest to anyone who desires to dive beneath the surface of life in search of clarity and life's deeper meaning.
Relevant Dates:The eBook sample will be sent out on September 29th. The participant's survey will be sent out on October 6th, and will need to be returned by October 10th.
To learn more about Julie's offerings, or for more information, e-mail Julie.
"The MUSE Playground: A Women's Spiritual Retreat Online for
Divine Play, Healing and Joy"
Website, eZine and corresponding free e-Course evaluation by KJoy!
Description: The MUSE Playground is a place to relax, heal, create, play and be... We are all about refreshing your Soul so that you carry Peace, Joy, and Love with you as you travel on your own spiritual journey.
A Spiritual Retreat is a get-away for your Soul. It allows you the time and freedom to go within and "find yourself" again. As you do, you will carry this memory and vibration with you throughout the rest of your day.
There are numerous "rooms" at the Playground where you can learn new ways to connect with the Divine within you and within everything. As you do, your Heart's Desires manifest in your Now Moments in ease, fun and love.
Enjoy your journey as you take a break and play with us at The MUSE Playground, your Women's Spiritual Retreat Online for Divine Play, Healing and Joy.
Your participation in this focus group includes:
* Visiting and Playing at The MUSE Playground
* Receiving one issue of the free ezine Say YES!: Heal, Create and Allow Joy Right Now
* Taking the free e-Course that subscribers to the ezine receive: Catch the JOY Bug: 5 Steps to Outrageous Joy and Healing
* Providing feedback via an online survey.
Desired Participants:
The MUSE Playground is for women of all ages and circumstances in life who
1. want and need a little renewing of their Playful Creative Spirit
2. want to reconnect or stay connected with the Divine within
3. desire to learn how to release old beliefs and energies that are holding them back
from the life of their Dreams,
4. have specific life situations, like physical health, relationships, creativity blocks,
trust issues, money issues, livelihood, perfectionism, parenting and more that they
desire to look and feel differently, more in line with their Heart's Desires.
Relevant Dates: Begin to explore and sign up for eZine and receive the e-Course on Monday, 9/26.
Wrap up the e-Course and receive the survey on Monday, 10/10. Surveys
back to me by Monday, 10/17.
To find out more about KJoy's other offerings, or for more information, e-mail KJoy!
"Peek-A-Boo! Opening Your Closet & Discovering Your Beautiful Self"
Teleclass series by Jaime Adcock
Description: A fun and informative two-part teleclass series that explores both the practical side and intuitive nature necessary in creating a wardrobe that expresses who you truly are -- authentically and beautifully! This teleclass series will have focus group members actively engaged in cleaning out and transitioning their own closets into the current Fall season (Teleclass 1), and then follow up with an in-depth look at their fall wardrobe where they will learn ways to self-determine their needs and desires in creating their own "personal best" wardrobe (Teleclass 2). Focus group members are asked to participate in both teleclasses (with some simple "at home" exercises in between classes) and then to answer a brief survey on the information and materials offered. (Note: For the teleclasses, participants call a bridge line that is a regular long-distance phone number.)
Desired Participants:
Fun-seeking, Inspired Women -- all ages/all stages -- who are interested in expressing themselves more authentically through their wardrobes. Motivated women who are ready to take the first "active" steps towards giving their closets some "breathing room" thus freeing up time and energy to devote to a closet that truly reflects their inner essence. And finally, any women longing to connect with their "sassy and stylish" inner woman!
Relevant Dates: Teleclass calls will be held on two consecutive Tuesday evenings: September 27 and October 4 from 9 to 10PM (EST). Surveys will be available on October 5 and are requested by Friday, October 14.
To find out about Jaime's other offerings, or for more information, e-mail Jaime.
"Shrines and Altars - Manifesting Your Intentions"
e-Course Sample by Rachel Kitterman
Abundant energy, creativity, love, wealth and well-being are constantly flowing all around us. Creating personal altars and shrines is a wonderful way to focus your intentions and tap into this ever-present abundance. You can create a beautiful and meaningful altar from simple objects in your home to draw abundance, encourage creatvity, heal emotionally and physically, or deepen your spiritual connection. Incredible things happen when we focus on our intentions! You will be amazed at the changes and opportunities that come into your life as you begin to manifest your intentions. Come join me on this incredible journey.
During the focus group, participants will receive sample lessons from my e-Course "Shrines and Altars - Manifesting Your Intentions." They will learn the basics of constructing altars using representations of all the elements and the principles of Vastu Shastra (the ancient East Indian principle on which Feng Shui is based) to focus on an intention and manifest it in their lives. I will also present lessons and techniques for constucting personal shrines to celebrate or honor a person or event both from scratch and using altered and found objects. There will be a Yahoo! group during the class so that participants can connect with each other and share intentions and support.
Desired Participants:
All creative souls who would like to have more abundance, creativity, energy, health and a deeper spiritual connection in their lives.
To learn about Rachel's other offerings, or for more information, e-mail Rachel.
"The Ultimate Stress Busting Book -- Tips and Secrets For Getting Sane"
HeartWisdom® eBook Sample and 3 Tele-seminars by Jeannie Fitzsimmons-Diamond
"How To Let Stress Go When You Want To." This combination tele-seminar and short, focused workbook is designed to give you tips, tools, skills, and secrets for unlocking your own ability to let to go of stress at will. The course includes self-introspective questions designed to open you to expanded possibilities and choices. It includes practical ways to better handle life's stressful circumstances with grace, ease, and relaxation. You can let go of what bothers you easily, if you know how. You will develop your own "emotional tool-belt" that is at your fingertips to use in any situation, conversation, decision-point, reaction, or button-pushing experience. To be free of reactivity and let things flow is a beautiful way to live. The more you live like this, the happier your life becomes.
I will also be offering 3 one-hour live tele-seminars for interaction, questions, and guidance. This is an instant anxiety and fear-buster, so creativity flows freely. The 1st class delivers the main information and a short Q & A to get everyone started. The 2nd and 3rd sessions are interactive to learn to use the tips and skills.
Final Survey: There will be a survey at the end for testimonials, feedback, and
Desired Participants:
This offering is for those that would like to be more in charge of their moment to moment emotional and mental life. If stress gets you down for too long, robs you of vital life force energy, and shifts the direction of your day, your relationships, your creativity, or your ability to be loving, fearless, happy, and whole, this is for you. If you want simple, practical, natural, easy, and user-friendly tips and skills to make your life flow more easily in times of stress -- this is it! As a trainer, coach, stress-elimination specialist and retreat leader for well over 2 decades, I have lots of gifts up my sleeve for you!
Relevant Dates:
The three Tele-seminars take place on these three dates:
- Sunday, September 25
- Monday, October 3
- Monday, October 10
Each class is at 8:00pm EDT (Note: This is 5:00pm PDT), and will last for one hour.
(Note, for the Tele-seminars, participants will call a bridge line that is a regular long-distance phone number.)
Participants will complete a survey that must be returned by October 17.
To learn more about Jeannie's offerings, or for more information, e-mail Jeannie.
"The Uncompromised Here and Now: A Photographic Journey to Being Fully Present"
eBook Sample by L'Tanya Durante
Do you find that while your body is here, your mind is there? For example, you may find that while playing with your child, your thoughts are on what's for dinner or that email you have to answer. When this happens, you're not fully "squeezing the juice" out of your play time. When this happens, the here and now become the there and then. This 5-day eBook sample uses the powerful combination of photography and prose to guide you toward being more present in your life. The result -- a life that you can enjoy more.
Desired Participants: This eBook sample is designed for the busy, restless spirit. It is ideal for those who have a sense that life's "Kodak moments" happen all around them everyday, but don't know how to slow down long enough to enjoy them. A photograph and exercise will be emailed each day for 5 days. The time commitment for each exercise is minimal. Participants will then be asked to provide feedback about their experiences.
To learn more about other offerings from L'Tanya, or for more information, e-mail L'Tanya.
"The Way of the Yogini: Designing Your Own Home Yoga Practice"
eBook Sample by Diana Woodall
Description: If you are ready to stop "eating out" and begin "cooking at home" with your yoga, this eBook will show you how to get started. It is NOT a course designed to teach you yoga poses, but to show you how to begin to put together a home yoga practice and stay inspired to continue, using yoga books and other resources, and especially using your own imagination.
Desired Participants:
Women who have taken at least 8 weeks of yoga classes, recently or in the past. Both those who currently have a home yoga practice and those who would like to start or return to a home practice are welcome. You will get the most out of this course if you are already familiar with the Iyengar method of hatha yoga. (You need not be 100% aligned with Iyengar yoga.)
You will need:
- Internet access ( need not be daily)
- a simple notebook to use as a journal
- time to practice and write in a journal.
If you choose to attend, you will need to pay for long distance for the tele-conference
Relevant Dates:
Participants will receive a portion of my eBook on Friday, September 23 and be eligible to participate in an hour-long tele-conference on Wednesday September 28, 8pm EDT. Participants will receive a questionaire via email on October 6 which needs to be returned to me by October 10.
For information, email Diana.
Click here to sign up for this focus group!
"Windows in the Soul: Opening Your Connections to Spirit."
e-Course Sample by Jenny Ryan
Participants will receive the first five days of this e-Course and complete a short survey to provide feedback on their experience. One lesson will be emailed each day from Monday, Sept. 26 through Friday, Sept. 30.
Desired Participants:
Anyone who would like to explore how what is already fun, easy, and natural for us can enhance our connection to Spirit.
Relevant Dates:The e-Course sample will run from Monday, Sept. 26 through Friday, Sept. 30. Surveys are due back by Oct. 10.
To find out about Jenny's other offerings, or for more information, email Jenny .
"Your Dream Quest Adventure"
eBook Sample for Young Adults by Deborah Watson-Novacek
The focus group will review a portion of Deborah's eBook "Your Dream Quest" and answer a feedback survey. This simple yet powerful eBook will teach you that you're never too young to identify your dreams and how to design a life for which you will have a passion.
Desired Participants:
Young Adults ages 16 - 21 from backgrounds who "don't know what they want to be when they grow up!" Young people who could be greatly served by learning to find and work towards their dreams earlier rather than later in life.
Relevant Dates:The eBook sample will be sent out via email during the week of September 26th. The follow-up survey will be sent out on or before October 10th, and will be due back no later than October 17th.
To find out about Deborah's other offerings, or for more information, e-mail Deborah.