Artella's Artellagram
e-zine delivers golden nuggets of words, art & spirit with every issue, with all the classic features and new gems like:
- In-Depth Interviews and Studio Tours with Inspiring Creators
- Intriguing Journeys Exploring Creativity around the Globe
- Fresh Art and Writing Projects and Ideas
- Creative Invitations and Games
- New, Hot-off-the-press Community Updates and Artella Land Goodies!
Now, in celebration of Artellas 10th year, we are introducing a snazzy, NEW Artellagram e-zine that is customized to your specific interests!
To thank you for joining our new, and as always, free, Artellagram,
you receive the following goodies as our thanks:
- A $15 eGift Certificate to use on any eProducts of your choice in the Artella store. No minimum purchase required. eGift Certificates are good until December 31, 2012.
- The awe-inspiring Art Through the Year Studio Collage Kit, newly updated for 2012!
Currently sold in the Artella store for $10, this popular kit gives you a whole new way to interact with time this year and is yours, free!
NOTE: Even if you have been receiving previous Artellagrams, since we are switching servers, you do need to sign up here in order to continue receiving Artellagram goodness!