You can search the Artella Web site or the Shoppes of Artella RIGHT HERE!
(instructions for obtaining thank-you gifts will be sent upon completing the focus group)

- CHAOS Solutions", an eBook about clearing clutter written by Vickie Enkoff of
- "Alternative Arts Inspiration" e-Zine by Lani Puppetmaker of
- "Therapeutic Journaling for Mothers" e-Course, with follow-up email coaching by Tina Games of
- "Sample Sparks Package" for Igniting Your Spark of Enthusiasm!(SM), courtesy of Antoinette Webster of a sampling of inspirational quotes, mindful messages, and suggestions that help harness the power of enthusiasm.
- The article, "7 Ways to Promote Your Book Online", by Julie Isaac.
- Four articles by Jeannie Fitzsimmons-Diamond:
- "Seeing from the Heart" - a powerful and informative published vision article
- "Glasses: the Grace Period" - a powerful and informative published vision article
- "A Psychiatrist's View of Letting Go" - an article on stress
- "How Letting Go Transforms Your Life" - an article on stress
- "Let Your MUSE Come Out to Play: Loving and Freeing Your Inner Child for Divine Creativity and Fun", a free article by KJoy! of
- "Groovy Graphics Package", courtesy of Zura Ledbetter of
- Free "Affirmations for Artists" booklet, courtesy of Zura Ledbetter of
- $10 off "Fun Journaling" class from,
courtesy of Zura Ledbetter.
- 20% coupon on a purchase of $30 or more from, courtesy of Linda Vining.
- Your choice of any issue of e-Artella listed at
- A free, unlimited 30-day pass to the Artella
Members' Magic Mansion
All participants will be entered in raffles for the following great prizes:
- A Bach Flower Music Kit: 38 pieces of music, presented on 2 CDs that correspond to Dr. Edward Bach's flower remedies. Useful for balancing emotions when you're stressed or anxious, and to tap into your inner knowledge to create what you want. Courtesy of Al Harris of
- One MUSE bracelet: This fun and playful bracelet is adorned with the Essence of your inner child, personalized and encoded with Illumined Mother Healing TM energy by KJoy! of
- One set of four Art Expedition Cups, each with a different design, courtesy of Linda Vining of All designs are from Linda's wildlife photos, each individually printed and signed by Linda -- with a personalized handwritten dedication if you wish.
- 2 winners will receive a 45-minute marketing coaching session with Karen Kuklinski of
- A vintage coloring book from the 1950s, courtesy of Danno from
- One copy of the upcoming print issue of Black Purl Magazine, courtesy of L'Tanya Durante of
- One enrollment in "Daydreams and Doppelgangers: Finding Your Creative Voice" eCourse, courtesy of
Rachel Kitterman.
- One "Future Self" Coaching Package, courtesy of Jenny Ryan of In this session you will meet up with the "Future You" and return with your five core values. You will also receive links to two guided meditations to which you can return whenever you wish.
- One Chakra Color Aligning bracelet, courtesy of Jenny Ryan from The Chakra bracelet helps to cleanse and balance your chakras, which are seven major energy centers in the body that take in and process energy from the world around us.
- The Healing Heart Music Collection -- Global Angel Music (four CDs) -- A beautiful package of music that 'soothes your heart and nourishes your soul'. The instrumentation is gentle, soft, and soothing. The music is primarily instrumental, without words. The instrumentation includes Native American Flute, Silver Flute and keyboard, Harp, and Gentle Angelic vocals. One CD has four gentle specially written "Love Songs to the Heart", with keyboard and chimes for sweet relaxation. The delicate blend of these sounds is designed as neuro-acoustic healing music, as vibrational and healing energy is running through the music. Titles include: Winds of Spirit, Wind Poet, Wings of Grace, and Divine Lullaby. Divine Lullaby was used at the National Healing Conferences of Carolyn Myss, Ph.D. for several years. Courtesy of
Jeannie Fitzsimmons, ASCAP composer, .
- One "Puppet Making 'Zine" by Lani Gerity of
- One "Paper Puppet" (Girl or Boy) by Lani Gerity of
- One private one-hour complimentary fashion and wardrobing consultation via telephone with Jaime Adcock of, author of 14 Easy Pieces: The Building Blocks to Great Style
A signed copy of the book, Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep It, by
Antoinette Webster. NOTE: This is a hardcopy, printed book.
A copy of the eBook, Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep It, by
Antoinette Webster. NOTE: This is an online eBook.