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Articulation 3-3-04 March 03, 2004 |
Hi ~ In New York, the past two days have graced us with beautiful early-spring weather, and it seems that everyone’s mood is lifted. This week's Articulation, The Gift of Tulips, is my official welcome to spring! To view The Gift of Tulips, click here! If the above link doesn't work, you can copy and paste this into your browser: Come-Unity Invitation! I’m inspired! Between reading about the concept of critical mass in the enjoyable and interesting book, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Martin Gladwell, being energized and delighted by the work of Karen Jones at, and the fact that this Articulation newsletter now reaches about 7,000 people, I am inspired to experiment with some ways that we can use this communal energy for the wider good. This new section of Articulation, The Come-Unity Invitation, will include ideas and suggestions of little things we can do, as a community of individuals, to shift the energy in our immediate circles. If you feel drawn to do so, I invite you to make a commitment to accept this Come-Unity Invitation and follow through to carry it out in the next week. You never know where it may lead! This week's Invitation is as follows: bring the gift of tulips to a public office or facility that needs a visual know, that place you visit for work, errands, or appointments where the atmosphere is drab, non-descript, or just plain boring. If half the people who read this email engage in this invitation, that would mean thousands of "drab facilities" would become more energized and colorful, instantly! Don't feel like you have to buy the tulips, either. Consider printing out this week's Articulation art offering, or creating an image of tulips, yourself. (To print the "Gift of Tulips" image without printing the entire Web page, right-click the image, and then click Print on the shortcut menu). (The Come-Unity section may not be included each week – I want to include only worthy, valuable ideas, rather than simply manufacturing an invitation each week. If you have an idea, I'd love to hear it!) The Shoppes' Corner! This week, our featured artist is Ruth Temple. Whether it is her lusciously ethereal handpainted shibori scarves, or her inspiring hand-bound books, Ruth truly captures the beauty of color in her exquisite artistic form. I hope you will take a browse through her work! If you check out the Shoppes home page, you'll see that we've added some signs to our windows! Not only do we have "New Item" signs (which stay up for 2 weeks after an item is added), but we also have signs to indicate which shoppes include items on sale, to make discount shopping super-easy. Come visit our village! Do YOU have a product or service to sell? Get your work seen by thousands and let us take care of all the headaches! For information about selling in The Shoppes of Artella, visit Click here. Artella News! 1. Leap campaign extended to Friday night! Artella's Leap Campaign, in which we're offering Artella issues at lower prices than EVER, is generating so much excitement, that we've decided to extend it one day. Non-subscribers can order Artella 6, The Elements: Ancient to Infinite for $10, or two for $15 (50% off the regular price); subscribers can order additional copies for only $7.00 each; and new subscribers get some awesome gifts! The discounts for subscribers and non-subscribers alike expire at midnight on Friday, March 5. For all the information, click here!. 2. e-Artella #e-5 is ready & released! e-Artella #e-5 (which I've nicknamed "The Artsy Epic") was released this morning. If you are a subscriber or a contributor to this issue and you did not receive your download instructions, please email me at and I'll make sure you get them. This e-issue is not only our BIGGEST ever (75 pages!), it's our best! It consists of two PDF files, both overflowing with inspiration and information about leading a creative life. What can I say about this issue....creativity and how-to articles, book and product reviews, two altered book workshops, an interview with Seena Frost (author of the book, SoulCollage), an interactive fine art game, 20 original works combining words & art, and much more are waiting for you! This downloadable issue is only $4.95. Just take a look at the table of contents for this issue and try to resist it! :-) 3. Amazing Bonus Package for Goalar Energy! The next session of the popular Goalar Energy e-course begins March 15. Those who enroll in this upcoming session, I'm offering a POWER PACK of 10 hand-picked bonus publications that will support you in reaching your goal...hundreds of pages of practical information, for free. Click here to see the publications included in the POWER PACK. We've also added lots of brand new testimonials from past Goalar Energy participants whose lives have been changed by this course. Click here to read the testimonials. Visit for more information about Goalar Energy and other Artella e-courses. 4. A few spots left in ExerSIGHS! Next Tuesday's next free monthly teleworkshop, ExerSIGHS: A Self-Esteem Workout for Writers and Artists, has a couple of spots left. Sign up to get your creative self in shape! Artful Links! 1. The second annual Art Unraveled Arts Retreat is being held in Phoenix, AZ, August 26-29, 2004, and it looks like an amazing event! Click the list of workshops to start drooling over the classes you can take (I'm talking serious drool, here)...and as if the workshops and top-notch instructors aren't enough, you can lose yourself in an incredible art shopping extravaganza and participate in other events all weekend. Somerset Studio's Melange Editor Linda Blinn attended last year and told me it was one of the best weekends of her artistic life! I'll be there, with an Artella booth at the shopping extravaganza...I'd love to meet you! 2. The Muse Is In is the Web site of Jill Badonsky, Creativity Coach and author of the AMAZING book, The Nine Modern Day Muses (And a Bodyguard). There's lots of inspiration waiting for you at this site: articles, groups, a fabulously inspirational newsletter, and the delicious Muse Map. (Quick side note: If you love Jill's Muse Map, you should take a look at an equally splashy original product we sell at The Shoppes of Artella...Violette's "How to Life the Artful Life" poster! WaHOO! Wishing you songs that pour forth from deep, unexpected places, ~tulipingly tiptoeing, Marney Artella Editor Keep It Coming!To ensure delivery of this newsletter, take a minute now and create a contact in your email address book for If you don't, your Internet Service Provider(ISP) may block delivery. If you'd like more information about ensuring delivery, you can request our instructions for ensuring delivery to hotmail, aol, and yahoo ISPs by sending a blank email to |
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