Praise for the Goalar Energy e-course!
Goalar Energy is changing lives! Read on...
"I just loved this course. It really has helped me with those marvelous ideas I was forever having that seemed to be conflicting. Metaphorically speaking, you helped me think with the landscape view first, looking at the bigger picture, seeing how there can be a lot of diversity in that landscape, before going in to work on details. This was exactly what I needed!
I would recommend this course to everyone who ever felt the stress of looming projects and that feeling of what to work on next because it's all important and it's all going to crash down around you. It's a terrible feeling, but a thing of the past if you use this GE program, I'd say from this place, having been through it twice."
~ Lani Gerity
"I thought this was one of the most awesome things I have ever participated in on the computer!
Goalar Energy went beyond my expectations. It had a flavor of Marney from the ArtellaVision group, but it went even beyond that. I found the workshop extremely helpful but more importantly, I found Marney's voice to be essential to my spiritual growth during this period. She is truly inspirational and so gifted with the talent of encouragement and getting to the root of creative life on an inner plane."
~Kathi Scarminach
"I wanted to let you know that I was able to complete all of the lessons before our teleconference last night, which felt wonderful. So in the end, I was able to complete my first goal (in style!), complete the GE lessons by the final phone call, and got up this morning and decluttered two kitchen drawers. Hooray! I've also taken a second look at an opportunity to create a small piece of typesetting/letterpress printing for a small competition within a national printers' group. After taking the course, it not only sounds do-able in the 10 days I have, but sounds fun. How about that? Thinking of goals as the accumulation of many micro steps that don't make me fret is making a big difference in my thinking. And visualizing it done is a very powerful tool, too."
~ Julianna
"What is it going to take to break through to the other side and achieve that goal that's been sitting in the back of your mind? Constant, consistent help? A defined plan for the left side of the brain? An undefined, creative plan for the right side? Heroic effort by your mentor to drag you up the Mountain of Procrastination? Well, Marney has arrived just in time, and your part is to pour in a little willingness and about 10 minutes a day of concerted effort. Go ahead. You're worth it."
~Richard Hammer
I enjoyed the daily momentum, the emotional challenge of the course, as well as the tangible results toward my goal. I liked the extended lessons and found they made me rethink things a lot. (I especially liked brainstorming from both ends.) I found I would go back and reread all the lessons at one time or another throughout the course, and will continue to do so."
~Holly Hildebrand
"Marney, you pay such attention to detail, so much that I could not imagine a stone that you left unturned in the process of creating this course AND I know that if you feel called to change anything it will be perfect and add to the experience. The information that you shared with this course in this form was exactly what I needed right now. Your course helped me realize that my best work is done when I am balanced both internally andexternally. This has been a wonderful experience Marney. What I liked best was that all of your emails seemed to be directed right to me personally. Many mornings I forgot that it was actually a course that I was taking -- it felt that it was a fun email from a treasured friend."
~Diane Armstrong
"I just had to write and tell you how much I am enjoying your Goalar Energy e-course. Getting an email every day helps me feel connected to support. I love the idea of breaking goals down into easy, natural steps. I'd heard that before, but again feeling like I have a partner in the process makes all the difference.
So far my favorite "Energy Boost" has been the one where you sit down and have coffee and dialogue with your fears. That really helped me get clear about my obstacles, and see which ones I could do something about, and which ones were just emotions I needed to vent. I'm already planning other goals to work on with this system after the 30 days are up. I feel like I have so many tools to help me create a life I love."
~ Jenny Ryan
"This course has, thus far, exceeded my expectations. The daily lessons are the perfect length, because I can keep up with them and work toward my project daily, but I don't get overwhelmed. This productivity is easy and gives me a great sense of accomplishment. There are things in your lessons that I've heard before, but never as gracefully and simply put as you have presented them. In short, you have made me take action when I haven't been able to in the past. You embrace the 'Renaissance Soul' and I finally feel like I am not alone and have the individual power to make things finally happen."
~ Abby Murphy
"You have a very warm, caring, organized way of expression and in this program, it is very welcomed. You have taken this whole concept of reaching goals and have made it more manageable for people like myself, who get overwhelmed with too much information in a very short period of time. I need the time to organize my energies and I need the guidance in small increments. The daily lessons are exactly what I need to keep it going. This is very serious stuff for me to handle and you have made it enjoyable, and not intimidating. You use imagery and writing to help artistic-minded people become more prosperous in all aspects of their lives. You understand our language and our ways."
~ Jenny Dryw
"I don't know how to adequately express what this Goalar Energy course has done for me. I feel like our new business venture is so crystallized, that it'll move ahead on its own accord at this point. I'm crazy about the "perplexercises" (extended lessons). You always give many good examples of how to address them. I especially liked the handout that included imagining yourself at a party given in your honor, being interviewed by the newspaper, etc. The workbooks were both so well-done, and the covers beautiful. Mostly what I want to crow about is what a skilled, generous and patient facilitator you are, both on paper and at the telegatherings. I know from experience how challenging it is to do that well, so I appreciate your level of giftedness."
~Catherine Hart
"I dont see the Goalar Energy course as a short-term thing, although it can be narrowly focused if need be. I see it as learning a skill that I can take with me as I move through lots of goals, plans and life changes. Knowing I have a tool to use, whether it is to finish a novel, a quilt or to choose a turn on the pathway, is of great assistance to me. I have always learned new skills by being self taught from a book. You have given me that book. Because you have also created a supportive online community to "dip into" as it were, I feel that I can work out any stuck places I may come to. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to make a change big or small in their life."
"In my otherwise insane world right now, your email lessons have given me a bright spot in my journey trying to decide what direction I should take. Not only have you given me a plan to reach my goals but you have made me aware of how important it is to have them. I have many decisions that I have to make and you have given me ME back. Setting goals again has brought a peace that has been missing in my life. I knew that something needed to change and the knowledge and insight you have shared are
totally appreciated."
~Sally Yorke
"Marney has a way of accessing both the left and right side of my brain. She speaks to the logical part, and sings to the creative spirit. She was with me every day in my email inbox as the person who lifted me up, kept me focused on my goal, and provided a different way of looking at how I could accomplish it. She got me present to what I am really committed to, and how to push through the negative voices to get to the place where I can hear my own voice again."
~Melissa J. Daimler
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