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Grab Your Bonus Power Pack!
If you enroll in the next session of Goalar Energy, you'll receive a special bonus POWER PACK of ten free publications to help you get even more from your Goalar Energy experience.
This is the first time that I've offered this kind of incentive, and I took this opportunity seriously. I collected, and in some instances, wrote, these publications very carefully, with YOU in mind. I wanted to give you a package of eBooklets and eBooks full of practical advice, not stuff you already know.
Thanks to the generosity of the authors represented here, these publications
are yours FREE, when you enroll in
Goalar Energy.
Your Bonus POWER PACK will include:
- "Finding Your Online Niche in a Crowded Internet World" (Dr.
Mike Woo-Ming interviews Michael Holland of
- "Creative Juice: 12 Key Lessons for Creative Dreamers" by Suzanne
Falter-Barns of
- "Anchoring Your Life Calling" by Julie Henderling, founder of
Energy Alignment Process
- "Taking Control One Page at a Time: A Guide for Creative Souls
on Winning the To-Do-List War" by Eliza Badurina of Caravan
- "10 Ways to Weed the House" by Diane Armstrong of
- The Service Sellers Masters Course from
- The NetWriters Masters Course from
- "How to Make a Home Office Feel Like Home" by Marney K. Makridakis
- "Those Who CAN, Teach!: Uncovering the Workshops Inside of You"
by Marney K. Makridakis
...All in all, this bonus pack contains over 300 pages of practical advice and guidance that I just know will support you in reaching your goal.
For more information about Goalar Energy, including testimonials,
a sample audio lesson, and a 4-day trial of the course, go to this
link. |