"In the Studio"
An Interview with Sande Roberts
(This interview is continued from the September 17, 2011 Artellagram
Artella: How has your ARTbundance™ training affected your work and/or life?
Sande: It unlocked, unleashed, and catapulted my creativity. I took two processes I had been using with clients for years, and launched them into their own full-blown workshops. Actually it’s multi-faceted as each segment stands on it’s own, yet so many programs I end up presenting become a melting pot of great ingredients from both.
Permission Spoon Adventures is on the cutting edge mixing art and play therapy with meaningful play dates for grownups. Permission Spoon has become a multi-part, multi-format series. The Spoon definitely represents nourishment, yet it became somewhat of a surprise when a sequence of events ended up creating the addition of meals to the live workshops. Then the extraordinary cooking skills of one of the generous hostesses of some of the events has us affectionately referring to the gatherings as Permission and Culinary Adventures. Now that I’m working on formatting a series of telegatherings and trainings, I may have to include recipes in the booklets!!
I’ve also been using and teaching EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping processes with clients for many years. I was struggling to figure out what topic to use for my ACT presentation when Marney suggested I do it on EFT. Until then, I simply hadn’t thought of EFT past being an amazing tool. Marney’s suggestion was significantly insightful and now this adventure is moving forward incredibly fast too. Thanks to so many things I learned through ACT, I’m in the early stages of getting this to a wider audience through the magic of MaestroConference.
Artella: In your mind, how are creativity and spirituality related?
Sande: I find spiritual balance releases the flow of creativity. I’m very much in alignment with Abraham-Hicks, Course in Miracles, etc. I got in touch with this in the late 80’s when I lived in Northern California and worked for a ‘new age’ catalog company. In an interesting chain of events, I ended up in charge of the renovation and opening of a retail store for them on Chestnut Street in San Francisco. There is an unusual link to the past there that SARK and I discovered we shared.
Artella: How is prosperity related to creativity and spirituality?
Sande: For me prosperity is about community. ACT and the other Artella programs are so much more than a lesson plan, or something for the toolbox. There’s something else here that’s a “measurable intangible.” ArtellaLand is a community. When I’m being silly I tell people I live in Marneyville. And I mean it lovingly from the depths of my heart. I’m on the receiving and giving ends of truly being connected with those who share compatible passion, creativity and spirituality.
Artella: What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? Who is your ideal client?
Sande: My ideal clients are people who help others and know they need to keep themselves refreshed to be effective.
Artella: ARTbundance™ Coaching is based on nine ARTbundance™ Principles. Do you have a favorite Principle, or one that you really enjoy activating in other people? Which one, and why?
Sande: Connection. I’m all about connecting people externally with other people and internally with their wise self and goals. Years ago when I first heard the song, “Matchmaker, Matchmaker” from Fiddler on the Roof I thought, that’s who I want to be, and in so many ways that’s who I am.
Marney also models Connection with her extraordinary support systems. Her ACT assistants Paula Swenson and Sandi Wedemeier are seamless extensions of Marney’s collective genius.
Artella: What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?
Sande: I have two core projects that are an exciting blending of interconnecting facets of both Permission Spoon Adventures and EFT Tapping.
Since January of this year, Permission Spoon Adventures was launched with a three part series encompassing Permission Spoons, Magic Wands, and Treasure Chests. This was followed closely by a Girls Only Permission Weekend, a Couples Relationship Weekend, and a One-day Permission Spoon Adventure.
While these are still happening, something really exciting has evolved and a Relationship Weekend for Couples Who Work Together is ready to come out of the creative oven.
Since the end of July when I did an Introduction to EFT Tapping as my ARTbundance Presentation, I’ve held several Introduction to EFT teleseminars on MaestroConference.
I’m working on a teleseminar format (Tap Pract) which will give coaches and healing arts practitioners who might be considering adding EFT to their toolboxes a place to learn more and interact with each other. There will be practical content, live demonstrations, learning through practice, and a forum for communication.
I’m putting the finishing touches on a series of in-service and teleconference workshops addressing issues of Vicarious Trauma and Self Care for those who are providing the services to victims of domestic violence, and others who serve those with dramatic and traumatic events in their lives. I’m excited at the opportunity to blend the art and play therapy from Permission Spoon, with EFT. This is such a potent stress and trauma reduction tool.
Two groups who are already interested include The Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the Membership Assistance Program from the Arizona State Bar Association.
The AZCADV operates the shelters and is part of a larger coalition of organizations addressing issues surrounding domestic violence. The overarching group is the OConnor House, which was started by retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor. Ive met her, and I was star struck just to be in her presence.
About Sande Roberts: Sande Roberts has a master's degree in clinical psychology, is a trainer of trainers in crisis and suicide prevention, is an advocate for victims of domestic violence, trained in conflict resolution, and is adjunct faculty in the Psychology Department at Phoenix College.
Roberts is in the process of adding in-service and teleconference workshops addressing issues of Vicarious Trauma and Self Care for those who provide services to those who have experienced dramatic or traumatic events. This includes crisis workers, staff of residential programs, therapists, attorneys, nurses, doctors, firefighters, police, educators, and so many more. For more information Email Sande.
For a full overview of workshops and services please Visit Sande's Website.
Connect Sande Roberts at:

The Fall 2011 session of the ARTbundance™ Certification Training Program (ACT) is now in session. If you would like to be notified when the next session is announced, simply fill out this form.
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