| | ARTELLAGRAM 4-10-10: "In the Studio" An Interview with Artist Kelly Jo Murphy
(This interview is continued from the May 22 2010 Artellagram)
Artella: In addition to being a Certified ARTbundance™ coach,you are also adevoted mother of four, as well as a Certified Parenting Coach and Educator. How has your role as a mother affected your life and your work, and vice-versa?
Kelly: Wow, now that's a deeply loaded question! :) Parenting is coaching, nurturing is coaching, healing is coaching, coaching is healing, coaching is parenting... To me, the roles are so intertwined in who I am it's not even about one affecting the other. It's all who I am in the expression and experience of MEness. :) I am also the kind of mom/coach that pushes my kids "just enough" for each of them individually to go a bit further toward their desires than they thought they could. I am a rock of knowing and believing in them as they take action until they know and believe in themselves. I believe in the old adage "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime."
Artella: Your specialty is helping spiritual creative women entrepreneurs create prosperity. What drew you to this specialty, and what do you enjoy most about this kind of work?
Kelly: Being a Spiritual Creative Woman Entrepreneur lends itself to it's own set of challenges and blocks, as well as joys, visions, ideas and ways of seeing the world. Because I have been on a journey with all of these same things and stopped and started with so many ideas, businesses, ventures, and so many creative endeavors and tried many programs to help me with it all, helping others with the same issues and on similar paths helps me at the same time I am helping them. I can relate to my clients in similar ways yet, since I have learned and grown in many of the ways they are desiring, I can't NOT share what I've learned along the way. I have always been called to help others with all that I have helped myself with and as I grow, I see my clients growing alongside me. My heart swells at thinking about how they have done and gone beyond so many of their perceived limitations and come out stronger, more focused and truly creating exactly what they want. Being there for others and being a role model of exactly what I share in these ways is exactly what I am meant to do.
Artella: You invented the MUSE approach to prosperity. What does MUSE mean?
Kelly: MUSE stands for My Unique Self Expression. Living in congruence with your MUSE is all about living authentically, joyfully, and being at peace being yourself in all ways. loving yourself unconditionally and taking action from that place. Prosperity is the manifestation of the abundance we allow or consciously create in our lives, whatever that uniquely looks and feels like to us. Your MUSE does that Powerfully, Creatively, Courageously, Lusciously in the exact ways that sing with your Heart. :)
Artella: ARTbundance™ Coaching is based on nine ARTbundance™ Principles. Do you have a favorite Principle, or one that you really enjoy activating in other people? Which one, and why?
Kelly: Oh to pick between children! You love them all! :) But since Choice HAS to be the one, I will have to choose it. LOL For me, all of the others come from me Choosing them. I want to live my life, my business, my relationships from a place where I choose exactly what I want it all to be like. Without the freedom of choice, I watch so many people REACT from old beliefs, old behaviors, passed down emotional reactions, thoughts that don't serve them... about themselves, their lives, their businesses. And in turn the outcome is anything but KickAss Prosperity™. It's scarcity, guilt, overwhelm, despair and not even believing they are worth going for what they desire. Those are the things that I help my clients transform into the knowing they can handle going after their desires and they have the freedom of choice to create it in any and all ways that resonate with them. :)
Artella: What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?
Kelly: In the very near future, Wednesday, June 9th to be exact, I am a guest speaker for the Artella Members with a free teleseminar, Rainbow Rhythm™ Transformation Dance: How to Dance with Yourself and Life and Finally Get Out of Your Own Way to Create YOUR Unique KickAss Prosperity™. You are invited to sign up, here!
I am excited about sharing this teleseminar because it takes so many of the ideas and concepts of KickAss Prosperity™ and makes them real in ways that each person will be able to relate to and use immediately in the ways that resonate with them. I will also be sharing some SelfDances™, fun ways to move your energy to manifest exact what you want, quickly and easily. MUSE Marketing is also in the works,Creating Fun and Meaning in Your Marketing to Make It Something You Look Forward to Doing. I also have the Creative KickAss Prosperity™ Forum right here in Artellaland, connecting and sharing ideas with other Spiritual Creative Women Entrepreneurs.
Visit here to learn more about Kelly Jo.
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