"In the Studio"
An Interview with Ginger Poole
(This interview is continued from the November 29, 2011 Artellagram
Artella: What excites you most about this CreativeSupportGroups.com?
Ginger: The intimate nature of getting to know 12 people over 12 weeks in a safe and moderated place infused with creativity. Some online groups can have verbally abusive people. This one will be moderated and have a small subscription fee of $29 per month so everyone will be committed to participating. Art, poetry or photography will be the focus point of the group to hold and center the stories and support
Artella: What inspired you to launch this project?
Ginger: My art and photography have been constant companions in my life.They have been a support for me through my journey. I’m also a techie and I’m extremely busy. I wanted to offer something to people who want support, community and inspiration but need it on their own time and schedule.
Artella:Describe yourself as a creative person. What does creativity mean to you, and what kinds of creative activities do you enjoy?
Ginger: Creativity means ideas! It means looking at things a different way. Trying out different things. Walking through the Hardware store on an Artist Date wondering what I can make with the washers and pipes.
Artella: What do you consider to be most essential for your creativity? What does your creative voice need to express itself?
Ginger: I need to have the tools on hand to express myself. The paper, the pens, the crayons, the camera. Because I never know when and idea is going to come. Most of all I need the quiet. I am in love with silence. I don’t turn the radio on when I drive. I need the silence for my creative juices to flow. I used to work with music. Now more and more, I work in silence.
Artella: What do you do to overcome or get past creative blocks or hurdles?
Ginger: I need to read inspiring books. Writers like Jan Phillips and Madeline L’Engel, SARK, Elizabeth Lesser, and Colman Barks translation of Rumi. I need these inspiring words to lift my thoughts into higher realms of being me.
Artella: What do you see in your future? What's next for you?
Ginger: I want to see CreativeSupportGroups expand to many different kinds of support groups. I want to hear from people what kind of support groups are needed and start and maintain those. I would love to have 50 support groups going at all times including seeing some groups get so close they want to renew their groups again and again.
Visit www.CreativeSupportGroups.com to learn more about these new online creative communities. Contact Ginger at ginger@gingerpoole.com
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