You can search the Artella Web site or the Shoppes of Artella RIGHT HERE!
Thanks to All Who Participated in Artella's Snowy Scavenger Hunt!
The Scavenger Hunt officially closed on December 15. Thanks for playing!
Below, you'll find 29 questions, the answers to which can be found by looking for the "Holiday
Entertainment Rest Stops", located throughout the Artella Web site.
There are 40 Rest Stops in all, and these 29 questions cover all 40 of them, in one way or another.
Your prize is determined by the number of questions you answer correctly.
Note that there are also 4 "Extra Credit" questions.
Each Extra Credit question that you answer correctly can counts toward your total, as well.
If you would like to print out a list of the questions, click here for a PDF file that you can print out.
And we also hope that you'll listen to and enJOY the Rest Stops, too! :-)
The Snowflake Prize
(get at least 5 answers correct)
10 Christmas Crafts in 10 Minutes eBook
1 month Artella Membership
The Snowball Prize
(get at least 10 answers correct)
all of the above plus
Scribbles eBook
Any issue of e-Artella
$5 Artella Gold
The Snowman Prize
(get at least 20 answers correct)
all of the above plus
Your choice of either the "DeCluttering For Creatives" or "Optimize & Awesome-ize Your Web Site" virtual workshop
The Winter Wonderland Prize
(get at least 30 answers correct)
all of the above plus
Any print issue of Artella
The FIRST person to get at least 32 answers wins the grand prize...
All of the above PLUS $25 Artella Gold (used like cash anywhere on the Artella Web site)
You must submit your answers by midnight on December 15.
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