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Click the links below to read the winning poems for December, 2005.
Poetry Gardens of Fame Index
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Fourth Place

Stacey Balkun
Stacey is a New Jersey resident currently attending Saint Joseph College in Connecticut. Her work has appeared in The Edison Literary Review, US 1 Worksheets, and Lucidity Journal. She has won awards from the New Jersey Poetry Society and the Poetry Zone, and was also honored as a Foyle Young Poet of the Year 2005 by the Poetry Society of the United Kingdom. Stacey is inspired by poets such as Nikki Giovanni and Sandra Cisneros, whom she had the pleasure of meeting at the 2004 Dodge Poetry Festival. As a young writer, Stacey hopes to graduate in 2009 and become a teacher, continuing to write creatively on the side.
In response to "New Day" by Mark Doty
Could it be called
a role, a reason
that touch,
so slow so deliberate
a stroke simple
on my skin;
tracing the neck
and veins and life, heartbeat
so slow, so deliberate
clipped fingernails sliding
lower and prickling small hairs,
a reminder that
we keep each other
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Dawn Richerson
"For the experience of each new age requires a new confession,
and the world seems always waiting for its poet."
~ Walt Whitman
I shrink from this daunting task and disappear
into the blank page, mind ablaze with what might be said,
feeble fingers fumbling to find some stroke of glory.
A swirl of words swallows me and becomes but
a muffled whisper in a storm. Who can hear the poet's voice
in such a screaming age? I bite my tongue in protest.
Still I bleed. I say nothing but know you will hear
my confession, if not grant me absolution, sure as you
will taste fresh blood dripping from the poet's lips
onto crisp page of the present-day. Now you gather, waiting
for a word from the interpreter of shared experience, I, who you
have entrusted to sound the gong that marks our era's end.
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Danny Lewis
Monsters on Medication
Are we beasts on medication,
Prolonging what we all know will come?
We have medication for every problem
and we get everything we want.
There's nothing we can't overcome
I could happily accept the end.
I could happily leave my nest.
I know that only the fittest survive.
I know i'm not at my best.
If a virus wore me down,
if that virus won.
I could let my body rest,
under the burning sun.
If an animal stripped me to the bone,
I would applaud that animal.
Knowing that I'm not indestructible,
would help me to move on.
I know there were at one time,
too many beasts to know,
and some of these beasts
Were changed to men
That's what I heard anyway.
How do I know
That I was not once a beast like them?
maybe that would excuse,
some of the beastly things I have done.
Maybe then I could rest in peace.
Now that there are too many men,
More than I want to know.
What will become
of all the beasts that were turned to men?
Will they be turned back again?
That will be a strange thing to see
Man-beasts and beast-men
Then again
everywhere I look
That seems to be the trend.
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Raven Kaliana
Morning sunlight suffuses
February's dew
Soaking down,
Permeating the cold and sleeping layers
Beneath pebbles, clay
And last year's leaves
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