Welcome to Artella's Birthday Party!
On October 29, Artella was 2 YEARS OLD! The very first Articulation Art-Splash was sent 10-29-2002 (take a look at it, here!) It was sent to 11 people.
2 years later, the Artella community consists of over 15,000 people who are connected to the Artella circle in one way or another, and the Artella community continues to grow every single day.
Thank YOU so much for being a part of Artella! This is YOUR birthday, too!
Party Game #2
We're compiling a collection of "Artella's Best Words and Art". What is YOUR favorite piece of words and art that you've seen from Artella?
It can be a piece published in any issue of Artella or e-Artella Magazine, an Articulation Art-Splash, or a Members' PoemPainting.
Click here to send an eMail with your vote for the Best, and get a FREE month of Artella Membership!
Party Game #3 Artella's Birthday Bash Scavenger Hunt!
Things to Find in the Shoppes of Artella
Here is a list of forty-five things see if you can find them in
The Shoppes of Artella. You might find them hidden in a painting, as part of something, in the name of the article, as something for sale, or just anywhere in the Shoppes. If something appears more than once in the Shoppes, all you have to do is find it once; you don't have to find EVERY appearance of the thing.
1. "Shift" typewriter key
2. "Unfinished" painting
3. Bali bangles
4. Beach comber
5. Black purse with roses
6. Bodyguard
7. Bottlecaps
8. Boy with wings
9. Cardinal
10. Castle on a hill
11. Cat on a green tile
12. Child guide
13. Delicious dots
14. Elvis on a door
15. Faith and Chastity
16. Father Christmas
17. Frog
18. Funky nature clock
19. Girl with a pony tail
20. Globe on a computer screen
21. Grapes
22. Grey rose
23. Hand on a necklace
24. Journey jewelry
25. Marney's Dad
26. Miami blues
27. Mulberries in a bowl
28. Ocean Pearl earrings
29. Orange purse
30. Painting of an orchid (with a rose)
31. Paper doll
32. Patchwork heart
33. Pink floral guest book
34. Pocket watch
35. Puppet with an amethyst necklace
36. Puzzle pieces
37. Red candle
38. Sculpture named Gratitude
39. Skier in a red suit
40. Soul Mate in an eBook
41. Soul Mate on a necklace
42. St. Mary's chapel
43. Stick figures in a tree
44. The wilde woman edition of a book
45. Trees "holding hands" against a sunset
For each of the 45 things, you will need to list the Shoppe you found it in, the page you found it on, and the artist associated with the item. To find the artist, you must click on the item in the Shoppes; this will take you to a page that tells all about the item, including the artist associated with it.
- The 1st person to send all 45 correct answers wins
a $30 shopping spree in The Shoppes of Artella! No minimum purchase required!
- EVERY person to respond to the scavenger hunt with at least 35 correct answers wins a
$10.00 gift certificate of any Shoppes purchase of $20 or more.
- EVERY person to respond to the scavenger hunt with at least 20 correct answers wins a $5.00 gift certificate of any shoppes purchase of $20 or more.
- EVERY person to respond to the scavenger hunt with at least 10 correct answers wins
an Artella bookmark!
BONUS: Find a typographical error or other type of error anywhere on the Artella Web site. The FIRST person who finds and reports each error will receive a copy of the mini-zine "What Wings Are Made Of". Please identify the error by telling us the URL of the page you found it on. Click here to send an eMail in which to report the error you found.
Click here to send an eMail with your answers. The last day to send in your entry is Monday, November 15.