Submission Guidelines
In an effort to streamline our submissions process, these guidelines have been updated as of November 2, 2010. Please take note of our new instructions:
1. Submit anything you wish! Writing can be in the form of short stories, poetry, memoir, creative non-fiction, or abstract fiction. Art can be any media, including painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, collage, assemblage, fabric arts, and more. We want to see whatever you want to share, so let your dreamy mind come forth and play with us.
2. Each issue of Artella is loosely guided by a theme. Feel free to interpret the themes in any way you wish. Issues of e-Artella (our e-zine distributed on alternate months) are not tied to a theme, so feel free to submit work on any subject.New themes and deadlines for Artella Magazine will be posted, soon.
3. Creators of published submissions receive several complimentary copies of the issue in which their work is included. Writers and artists retain all copyright for work submitted or printed, and are free to submit and reprint it elsewhere.
Note that as of November 2, 2010, we are only accepting written submissions via email
In the Subject line of an email, please enter "Artella Submission" with YOUR name, and the name of the piece.
(For example: Artella Submission, "A Lovely Day" by Mary Smith). Email submissions to us here. (the address is
"submissions at artellaland.com") Please send all information in a single email, if possible.
Writing must be sent as a Microsoft Word attachment or plain text document, NOT included in the body of the email. The attachment document file name should be named in the format, "title-yourname.doc" (i.e. "OnceUponATime-JohnDoe.doc").
All written submissions MUST include the following in the BODY of the email:
- The full title of the piece
- A one-sentence description or summary of the piece
- Your name (how you would like it to be listed)
- A two-sentence bio that we may use if your piece is selected for publication. Feel free to include your email address or Web site in your bio.
- Email submissions are preferred for artwork. However, you must be able to provide photographs of your art in high-resolution (300 dpi)
in order to be considered for publication. If you do not have access to a 300 dpi image, you can snail mail and we will photograph or scan it. See the "snail mail" guidelines below.
- In the Subject line, please write "Artella Submission" with YOUR name, and the name of the piece. (For example: Artella Submission, "A Lovely Day" by Mary Smith).
Email submissions to us here. (the address is
"submissions at artellaland.com") Please send all information in a single email, if possible.
- Send scans or digital photos of artwork in JPEG, GIF, or TIFF format. ***Images must be scanned at 300dpi, at the largest physical dimension (in pixels or inches) possible in order to be published; however, if you want to send a lower resolution first, that is fine, but we will need it in 300 dpi upon acceptance into an issue.
- All art submissions MUST include the following in the BODY of the email:
- The full title of the piece
- The dimensions of the piece and media description (i.e., Acrylic on canvas, 10" x 8")
- Your name (how you would like it to be listed)
- A two-sentence bio that we may use if your piece is selected for publication. Feel free to include your email address or Web site in your bio.
Note that as of November 2, 2010, all writing submissions must be sent by email.
Artwork can be sent to the address below. When submitting artwork, you can photograph or scan the artwork and send it on a floppy or CD-ROM.
You can also send us high-quality color copies of the artwork or professional-quality color slides, or send the original artwork so that we may photograph
it ourselves. If you want your submission to be returned, please include sufficient postage. Please mark envelopes clearly, "DO NOT BEND".
Mail submissions to:
Artella Creative Multimedia
9090 Skillman #182A-116
Dallas, Texas 75243
United States
Be sure to include the following information:
- The full title of the piece
- For writing, a one-sentence description or summary of the piece
- For art, the dimensions of the piece and media description (i.e., Acrylic on canvas, 10" x 8")
- Your name (how you would like it to be listed)
- A two-sentence bio that we may use if your piece is selected for publication. Feel free to include your email address or Web site in your bio.
If you want your work returned, be sure to send a SASE, or sufficient stamps or a check made out to "Artella Creative Multimedia".
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