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What Are Your Favorite Books?
You are invited to participate in building a new Community Books section on the Artella Web site.
What I'm looking for is one-paragraph "reviews" of your favorite book(s).
The paragraph can be simple and straightforward - i.e., "I loved this book because_____", or "This book really got me thinking about _____". The books can be absolutely any genre or topic, mainstream or obscure.
For each review you submit, you get 5 raffle tickets that you can apply to the 12 raffle prizes given below. (2 reviews = 10 tickets, 3 reviews = 15, etc.) There is no maximum of reviews you can enter.
Then, use the total number of tickets on any raffle prize you want! Spread them out over several prizes, or put them all toward one prize. It's your choice!
FIRM DEADLINE FOR ENTERING: Friday, September 17, at 12 noon EDT. Raffle winners will be announced next weekend.
***Please feel free to share this with anyone else you know who might like to participate, including folks outside of the regular Artella circles***
Please copy and paste the following and return to Marney at by noon EDT on Friday, Sept 17.
1. Title and author of the book (please include BOTH title and author)
2. Your one-paragraph review
3. Your name, written exactly as you would like it to appear on the Artella Web site if your review is selected. (You can use first and last name, first name only, or initials. Also, if you have a Web site and would like to include your Web site with your name, i.e., "Marney from", I'm happy to include it.
4. If you are submitting more than one review, repeat 1-3 for each book you are reviewing.
5. Directions for how you want to use your raffle tickets, referencing each prize by its letter, below.
For example, if you had 10 tickets (remember, it's 5 tickets per review), you would indicate something like:
2 tickets - b.
2 tickets - d.
2 tickets - e.
4 tickets - m.
- a. An Artella Magazine Subscription
- b. One year Artella Membership
- c. An overflowing box of assorted Art supplies and goodies
- d. "Altered Books with Beth Cote" Videotape (VHS)
- e. A copy of the sold-out print issue of Artella 2, "Symbol & Story, Myths and Archetypes"
- f. A copy of the sold-out print issue of Artella 3, "Passion: art to heart"
- g. A Cultivate Life Box
- h. "Holy Moly Mackeroly" by Gloria Page
- i. "Room to Write" by Bonni Goldberg
- j. "Alexandria" by Nick Bantok
- k. "The Morning Star" by Nick Bantok
- l. "The Sound of Paper" by Julia Cameron
- m. The "Create Your Own Affirmations Creative Visualization Kit" by Shakti Gawain
- n. The Artella e-course, Miracle Soup
- o. The Artella e-course, Creative ManiFestival
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