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Make a Wish and Make a Difference.
Join the Benevolent Birthday Giveaway on
National Make a Difference Day!
To celebrate the second birthday of,
and -- not coincidentally -- National Make a Difference Day on October 22,
Artella and Benevolent Planet are offering a huge collection of thank-you gifts (and adding more all the time) to every
person who orders The
Difference a Day Makes: 365 Ways to Change Your World in Just 24 Hours by Karen M. Jones from on
Saturday, October 22. These bonuses value hundreds of dollars in thank-you gifts for
a $10.36 purchase of a life-changing book. (And there's no prize-drawing; everyone who orders automatically gets all of the gifts.) NOTE: Author Karen Jones is donating 10% of royalties from this event to aid those affected by this summers Gulf Coast hurricanes.
A note from Marney Makridakis, Artella Founder:
Ah...the Difference a Book Makes!!!
If you are finding yourself disheartened by the current state of world affairs, don't walk, don't run, but
FLY to buy this book. The Difference a Day Makes absolutely blew me away -- and guided me to land in a
place I had not yet known existed. A place where I could feel more helpful and less hopeless as a world citizen.
A place where giving back is easy and simple, no matter what my resources look like. A place where it doesn't
matter how or where I start to make a difference -- because in this book, all the "getting started" work was
already done for me. This illuminating gem reads less like a book of resources and more like inspiring prose;
the author's graceful, gentle voice did more than inform me -- it inspired me, to my very core. Thank you to
Karen Jones for being a beacon for all of us who are ready to change OUR worlds by changing THE world.
~Marney Makridakis
Hear Karen Jones read the introduction to the book:
To participate in the Benevolent Birthday Giveaway on Saturday, October 22, all you have to do is:
- Purchase The Difference a Day Makes: 365 Ways to Change Your World in Just 24 Hours from on Saturday, October 22.
- Amazon will email a receipt to you. Forward a copy of it to
(Note: this email address is for submitting receipts only. If you have questions or need assistance, please email
If you prefer, you may fax or snail-mail a copy of your receipt; email us for the fax number or address.
- Once your receipt for The Difference a Day Makes is verified, we'll email you simple instructions for collecting all 35-plus thank-you gifts.
AND there's MORE....
EVERYONE is also invited to join us on National Make a Difference Day Saturday, October 22, from 1 to 2PM EDT
for an ~Ask the Author~ telegathering.
Artella founder and editor Marney Makridakis will facilitate this one-hour exchange with Difference author and Benevolent Planet founder Karen M. Jones. Just
email us with "Difference Day Telegathering" as the subject; we'll email you with the phone number to call to join the lively discussion (there is no charge for the call other than your normal long-distance charges).
Buy the book on October 22 and claim ALL of these gifts:
From Artella:
- Accounting Your Blessings: A 30-Day Course in Gratitude, Prosperity, and Abundance Action
- Open Up Your Umbrella-Vision: Finally Uncovering the Connections In Your Talents, an 80-minute seminar recording
- Launch, Lift, and Love Your Web Site: Building a Web Site
the Artella Way, an 80-minute seminar recording
- A complimentary 30-day pass to Artella's Members' Magic Mansion, home of Artella's famed Membership Program
- e-Artella issue #e-8, the WildChild issue, a 68-page online magazine
- Opening Doors with Brainstorming and Bartering eBooklet
- Peace by Piece: Collage Your Way to Inner Peace & Harmony eBook
- Quick Clicks, our list of 35 free "click donation" websites where your click of a single button generates a donation from one of the site's sponsors to a worthy cause
The "Guide to Good Neighboring" mini-poster, with twenty great ways to connect
- Our 28-page e-guide,
Gifts for Greater Good: Purposeful Presents and Other Practices That Add Meaning to Every Occasion, packed with ways to turn birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and other events into opportunities to make a difference
- A downloadable
Tag Line, a card with an uplifting message to leave, anonymously, for someone to find
- A collection of "Wake-Up Call" essays from Waking Up on the Planet, Benevolent Planet's e-news
- A set of downloadable "I'm aligned with the Planet"
From our Benevolent Sponsoring Partners:
- "Simple Ways to Create Family Volunteering Traditions," an excerpt from Everyday Traditions: Simple Family Rituals for Connection and Comfort by Nava Atlas of
- "Scenes From a Sabbatical," a series of original watercolor images depicting a coastal retreat, suitable for downloading and framing, from designer-artist Elaine Faye of E-lane Studios
- A set of colorful, downloadable bookmarks from designer-illustrator Diane Gray of Boomerang Studios
- An e-book full of art, inspiration and joy for artists, art educators and art therapists from Lani Gerity, author, artist and puppetmaker of
- An e-booklet called Spirit Sprinkles Volume I, a compilation of inspirational messages from Zura Ledbetter of
- Free enrollment in the Fun Art Journaling e-workshop, starting November 1, facilitated by Zura Ledbetter of
- "Chaos Solutions," a strategy-packed article to help you gain control of your stuff and organize your home and office, by Vickie Enkoff of
An e-book, The Science of Being Great! by Wallace Wattles, author of The
Science of Getting Rich. "Becoming great is open to anyone at any time who is
willing to practice the principles of greatness... all it takes is 10 minutes
a day!" From Ellen Mogensen of
An article, "Harnessing the Power of Intention," from Rachel Kitterman of
A print of the painting, "Dawn's Celebration" from Jenny Dryw
A 50% discount on a 2-CD set of Bach Flower Music, 38 pieces of music that
help dissolve negative emotions such as overwhelm, fear, uncertainty and
sadness. From Al Harris of
"Best Websites for the Consciously Compassionate," from the editors of
Dragonfly Media
10% off any painting by artist Tracey Rotman offered in the Shoppes at
"Berries in the Snow," a seasonal color photograph (6" by 4") to print out
and make into a special Christmas card, from Anne Davies
"The Cre-attitudes: Beatific Affirmations for the Creative Spirit," downloadable affirmations for artists and other creative types to be enjoyed "as is" or used in one's art, from Nancy Vittoria Bello of
"YOU: Imperfect and Wonderful!," an e-book that recommends salsa music, chocolates, and dancing, among other things, as alternatives to another self-help course, from Nancy Vittoria Bello of
The Joys of A Creative Closet, an eBooklet offering original ways to begin a love affair with your wardrobe, by Jaime Adcock of
From Diane Armstrong of
- 30 Days to a Clutter Free Castle, an e-course to learn how to sort through "things" by tapping into their energetic frequencies, delivered
- "Welcome Home" CD, guided visualizations to cultivate purpose and passion in Your Life, Right Now
- "Where does the time go?", a weekly chart to capture the details of your days
- Thoughtful Quotes on growing a business infused with an entrepreneurial spirit
- Parent Messages That Work
A set of 14 "Weekly Wisdom Worksheets" to organize your life and center your spirit, from Sylvia Moore
A greeting card entitled "Thursday's child" with the Mahatma Gandhi
quotation, "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Designed by mixed media collage artist Patricia O'Rourke of
"Resistance, Overwhelm, and Misinformation: Lose Those Weight-loss Gremlins and Allow Your Well-being", a month-long e-course by Debra Schanelic of
Your Creativity Survival Kit, an e-booklet by Jill Badonsky of
Please mark October 22 on your calendar:
- Come to the "Ask the Author" Telegathering with Karen Jones at 1pm EDT (get the bridge number by sending an email to
- Purchase The Difference a Day Makes from to automatically get hundreds of dollars of bonus thank you gifts in our Giveaway, and start Making a Difference, one day at a time!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Benevolent Planet!!
Love, Your Friends at Artella!