ARTELLAGRAM 11-29-08: Art Tip: Extension Cord Muse
(This project is continued from the November 29 Artellagram...)
Here are steps for making your own Extension Cord Muse:
1. Determine how you can showcase some old, used batteries in the Muse's body. I painted the batteries in three different colors using acrylic paint, let them dry, and then inserted them in a shrine box. I kept the paint sparse and uneven on purpose, to give the batteries a more weathered look. If you want them to be a more solid, saturated color, you will probably need to apply several coats of paint.
This particular shrine box had a scallop decoration adorning three sides. After I attached the "face" on the top, I realized that the remaining two scallops were perfectly positioned to act as wings! I love synchronicities like that! :-)
2. Look in your "junk drawer" for other pieces that you can use for the Muse's body and the "extension cord". For example, I found this charm, which reminded me of a Picasso-esque face.
I also found an interesting bracelet to serve as the "extension cord" and I painted it in the same colors as the batteries.
3. Determine something that you can plug into the extension cord. I attached a charm of a key, to serve as a metaphor for the key to creativity.
4. Create your background. I attached a piece of decorative paper to a small wooden board, and added some paint around the edges as a border.
5. Attach the pieces to the background. If you are using heavy items, like I did, be sure to use a heavy glue, such as E6000 Glue.
6. I finished by spelling out "Extension Cord Muse" with some fun stickers.
This is one of the projects from Artellas AlphaBetter Muses Workshop!
To learn more about these enchanting 26 Muses who are ready to inspire you,
click here!
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