"In the Studio"
An Interview with Sandra Gardner
(This interview is continued from the August 6, 2011 Artellagram
Artella: What led you to become a Certified ARTbundance™ Coach?
Sandra: When I first heard about ARTbundance™, I had recently discovered that what I had been doing in my life for many years – this endless questioning, searching, and pattern-busting – was actually the process that is known as coaching. I was coaching without thinking, without training, because I had to, because I couldn’t not do it. So I knew in my heart that my purpose and my path in this lifetime is to be a coach and a healer of some sort.
Then I stumbled across ARTbundance™ when a web design client of mine, Dawn Richerson, tweeted about it. I thought it was brilliant – I was intrigued by the name as well as the idea of intuitively connecting with this deeper part of ourselves through the use of creative exercises that might side-step our rational minds. I knew I could use this technique with clients in conjunction with my own natural insight and intuition, and I could help them bust through limiting patterns and live a more joyful life because of it.
Artella: How is prosperity related to creativity and spirituality?
Sandra: When we are in our power, we are prosperous. We are in our power when we are expressing our creativity, when we are living a spiritual life. Prosperity is only related to money to the extent that it allows us to expand our consciousness, and expand the reality of our experience as beings on earth. And it’s through connection and spirituality that I think we really feel that most strongly.
Artella: What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? Who is your ideal client?
Sandra: My ideal client is a spiritual, creative entrepreneur. I suspect that she’s highly sensitive energetically – I am playing with the idea that she’s what I call an “Energetically Sensitive Person” (ESP). She’s playful in her exploration of the darkness in her life – in her willingness to shine the light in the dark places, and see who wants to “come out and play.” She’s willing to answer the tough questions, and hear the disconnect between her words and the reality in her life. She’s also ready to let go of the struggles and limiting patterns and have a joyful, blissful life.
ARTbundance™ Coaching is based on nine ARTbundance™ Principles.
Do you have a favorite Principle, or one that you really enjoy activating
in other people? Which one, and why?
Sandra: My personal favorite principle is Intuition. Intuition is my best friend. It’s always honest, always there if I shut down all the background noise and listen. It always tells me the truth, even if I am afraid to hear it.
My favorite to activate in others? Ooh, that’s a hard choice…. but I think I’ll pick Choice, actually. Because freedom is one of my highest values in life, so Choice goes hand in hand with that. We have to choose to set ourselves free, and that’s what I love to help others do.
What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?
Sandra: This spring I launched TheSandraGarden.com, a place where I help people build their blissful business and life. It’s all about healing and moving through these places where we keep ourselves stuck.
The first project I did with The Sandra Garden was a Joyful Marketing Teleclass, where I teach creative entrepreneurs how to do their marketing in joyful, fun, intuitive ways that align with who they really are.
I’d like to move more inward in my work with clients, however, working on helping people remove the blocks and obstacles in their path so they can live a life of greater joy, abundance, and personal freedom. I would love to do a “Healing Circle” where I take groups through removing those blocks on a monthly basis, through a healing circle group that meets on the phone. I see myself eventually writing books, giving talks, doing workshops, having a radio show, and more!
About Sandra Gardner: Sandra Gardner is an ARTbundance™ Coach, musician, printmaker, writer, “path illuminator,” and tender of The Sandra Garden, which offers coaching and web design services to help spiritual entrepreneurs build joy-filled businesses.
She lives in Albany, New York with her husband Michael, her son, Laszlo, and their two fe-lions.
A new session of the ARTbundance™ Certification Training Program (ACT) is coming in September 2011, and applications are now available! You can get the full program details here.
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