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ARTELLAGRAM 8-13-08: "In the Studio" An Interview with Artist Glenda Miles
(This interview is continued from the August 13, 2008 Artellagram"...)
Artella: What do you find most rewarding in your life as an artist? What is most challenging?
Glenda: Most rewarding has been my collage work with the elderly and people with Intellectual Disabilities. Using collage techniques and the utterly playful free expression of cut, paste and gluing I have witnessed the ultimate truth and power of human connection and communication. The most challenging has been where I am trying to explain to fine artists what I create, and there appeared to be an attitudinal chasm in what I feel is art is for everyone.
Artella: Do you actually buy much of other folk's art, or just use it for inspiration?
Glenda: I am other artist's biggest fan! I buy their goodies for my own joy, gifts for people, and also inspiration. Most of the rooms of my work and home space are filled with creative works of my 'art-crushes' to keep me imbued with the spirit of creativity!
Artella: How do you find the time to create art, and what tips can you offer to busy people to help them find time for creativity?
In my experience, you just can't find TIME, you have to make TIME. We can't control the clock and minutes ticking by, but we can control our individual calendars. I would be classified as a busy woman two sons, mortal job, enchanted art business, family, garden, home, grand child, LIFE, the whole nine yards, plus one. BUT, I learned to make time for my creativity or suffer for it- health issues, stress & sobs of longing for art time! Here's a few tips that worked for me:
a] make a creative grab bag of your fav things to do during 'idle' time, i.e., riding in the car, waiting in Dr.'s offices, etc
it also will spark other people to do the same thing!
b] Set a regular scheduled time for your creative time just like you do for your loved ones soccer game and music lesson. You deserve the same and if every Tuesday night or morning on the calendar you and everyone knows you are manifesting your creativity it's changed from an intention to reality.
c] Boycott reality TV but, if you really are hooked, create while you watch. What you are watching is someone else's idea of reality why not use that time to 'create your own' reality by doing what you really love? People would often ask me at work, Hey did you see what happened on Big Brother last night? and I would reply, 'Naw, I don't have time for their reality, I'm too busy wishcrafting my own reality right now!
Artella: Who do you do to promote your art? What tips can you give to an artist who is trying to get her work seen by more people?
Glenda: The first thing I do is give away a lot of my art as gifts to people; birthdays, weddings, baby gifts, gratitude gifts, -it plants a little seed of awareness of my offerings and how I can create something just for them. I networked and got my art out to local coffee shops and cafes buy creating special products just for them. I also have an etsy shop to reach another audience beyond the wonderful Artella folks.
Artella: What advice would you give to someone who thinks it is too late in life to follow her dreams?
Glenda: I would advise you to make a nice cuppa tea, find a comfortable place and snuggle up and nourish that inner voice so it will become emboldened. Your truth, ideas and dreams are waiting to happen. And believe me there are more people out there who feel the same, find the kindred spirits at your local coffee house, bookstore, art studio any creative spot where WE gather and get the synergy started for your inner art-revolution~ the world needs creative healing right now. The world needs you.
To see Glenda's inspiring products in The Shoppes of Artella, click here!
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