Note: If this message doesn't display in its delightfully colorful formatting, you can view it on the Web at Recently, as I was working on a new upcoming Artella summer program, I created a Word Collage about camp. A Word Collage is one of the ARTsignments™ we use in ARTbundance™ coaching, where you simply write down, very quickly, all the words that came to mind when you think about a given subject. You write the words very quickly, filling the page in a stream-of-consciousness style, allowing words, thoughts and feelings to overlap upon one another. When you're done with the Word Collage, you go back and review what words have come forward and explore what those words reveal. As I reviewed all my little wordlets about camp, most of the words naturally represented my own memories from summer camp as little girl. I was surprised with all the memories that came back from years of Girl Scout camp (that's me in the lower-left in the photo). My interior dialogue went something like this: I remember how hot it was under all that horseriding gear
.yum, toasted marshmallow sounds good right now
how funny, I thought those camp counselors were SO old but in retrospect they were probably just in high school
uh,what the heck IS a lanyard anyway? Indeed, I could remember making lots of colorful lanyards out of plastic-type fiber, but I couldn't for the life of me remember if we actually used them for anything after we made them. Intrigued, I did some research and learned some fun facts. For example, did you know that a lanyard is also referred to by other fun names, such as scoubidou or boondoggle? With a fancy French name like "scoubidou", how did we end up with plain-ole, nasal "lanyard"? LOL. In the summer camp context, lanyards are a standalone craft, where the emphasis is more on the process rather than the product. The process of intricate weaving is an arts-and-crafts staple, but lanyards are actually used today for many purposes, including as name-tag holders and holders for cameras, cell phones, and USB flash drives. According to definition, a lanyard is typically used where there is a risk of losing the object or to ensure its visibility at all times. When I read this definition, I couldn't help but think of all the non-physical things that we risk losing, and so I started a second Word Collage of the important things we don't want to lose, and want to keep in pure sight, such as: our confidence, sense of humor, passion, and true creative essence. Imagine you could have a lanyard — or a scoubidou, if you prefer :-) -- that could instantly connect you to whatever you most need to "keep visible" for yourself right now. What aspects of yourself do you fear losing? What would you like to keep readily on display? How might life be different if you could weave your wishes to create this special kind of visibility tool? Perhaps your lanyard could be CANyard, to remind you of all you can be and do? You might even want to try a Word Collage or two to see what you can identify along this topic of maintaining visibility of what is most important to you, the things about or within yourself that you really don't want to lose sight of. And if you have a creative business — or you want to have a creative business — and you're looking for some fun ways to clarify your business vision, you ought to take a look at our new 2011 M.A.I.N. Summer Camp: A Creative Jump-In-the-Pool for Your Business Vision and So Much S'More! Keep reading for more details. For those short on time, to simplify this week's Artellagram, here are some ”quick links” to the highlights in this edition. You can simply follow the links that you're interested in and go directly to that section. | 1. NEW! M.A.I.N. Summer Camp Begins July 27! We're now announcing the newest MENTORing and INVENTOring Network program, called M.A.I.N. Summer Camp: A Creative Jump-in-the-Pool for Your Business Vision
and So Much S'More! The M.A.I.N. Summer Camp consists of three weeks of highly-focused teleclasses and accompanying workbooks that apply the ARTbundance™ Principle of Vision to real, practical tasks that will prepare both you AND your business for your significant upcoming growth spurt! You'll discover three key Vision-clarifying questions and actively explore them through a variety of unique tools and "Campercises" including fun things like: - Arts-and-Crafts — through ARTsignments™, our unique exercises infused with creativity!
- Campfire Self-Discovery Songs - Yep, that's right! You have to experience it to believe it! :-)
- Quick Kindling — quick shortcuts to get the fire going!
- Trail Tasks — special camping projects
- And lots S'more
You can get more info and sign up for these three fun-filled weeks here! 2. NEW! ARTbundance Community Events Posted! We've posted some new events for July in our exciting new series of ARTbundance™ Community Events! As part of their Certification requirements, our training ARTbundance™ Practitioners will be presenting free teleclass events to the Artella Community! To participate in the ARTbundance™ Community Events, you simply sign up to virtually attend (by phone) the events of your choice. Then, after each call, all we ask is that you fill out a follow-up questionnaire with feedback for the presenter. In addition to experiencing the free teleclass, as our thanks for attending and helping out the new coaches by offering your feedback, you also receive a free bonus gift: an ARTbundantly overflowing package of unique and inspiring goodies! You are invited to browse through the current listings and sign up for as many events as you like; please note however, that you do need to attend LIVE to participate, so please only sign up for the events that you can attend live (by phone). See the descriptions of the current events and sign up here! If you would like to receive an email notification when additional ARTbundance™ Community Presentations are scheduled, simply fill out this form. Thank you for supporting our ACT Trainees as you are inspired by these great free events! 3. NEW! Get a Free ARTbundance™ Coaching Session! It's that time again! We're once again accepting volunteer clients to work with our talented Coaches-in-training in the current group of trainees in Artella's ARTbundance™ Certification Training Program. An ARTbundance™ Coach is a pioneering, unique hybrid of inspiring coach, creativity teacher, workshop leader, and spiritual guide. The Spring 2011 Trainees are near the completion of their certification training, and they are looking forward to working with volunteer clients in one-on-one coaching sessions! To participate, you simply receive your free live one-on-one coaching in a 30-minute session, by phone, and fill out a follow-up feedback questionnaire following your session. In addition to the free ARTbundance™ session, you also receive a bonus gift of an ARTbundantly overflowing package of unique and inspiring goodies as our thanks! You can get all the exciting details and sign up for your complimentary session, here! A new session of the ARTbundance™ Certification Training Program (ACT) is starting in September! Applications will be available very soon! If you would like to receive notifications when applications are available, simply fill out the form on this page. 4. Join the Affiliate Program! Join Artella's generous Affiliate Program and enjoy all the new affiliate tools that we've recently added! You can get more info by clicking here. 5. Interested in Becoming Part of Artella's Team? We are expanding our team for all the exciting things we're working on this year, so if you're interested in becoming part of the Artella Team, check out this page for details. | For today's "In the Studio" Interview, I'm delighted to present Caroline Douglas, who has been recently certified as an ARTbundance™ Coach and Practitioner! Caroline's approach is alive and playful, and also deeply intuitive, so I just knew she would be the ideal person to interview in conjunction with our topic this week! Enjoy getting to know Caroline! Artella: What led you to become a Certified ARTbundance™ Coach? Caroline: I loved a call I heard by Marney and thought I had finally found my mentor! I had been wanting to explore coaching for a long time but never met the right person or program. With ARTbundance™, everything just clicked. Artella: What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? Who is your ideal client? Caroline: I enjoy working with playful people who are yearning for more creativity, inspiration and fun. I am drawn to working with people who appreciate beauty and want to explore their inner life through creativity. You can read the rest of Caroline's interview, here A new session of the ARTbundance™ Certification Training Program (ACT) is coming in Fall 2011. If you would like to be notified when the Fall session is scheduled, simply fill out this form. | Artwork by Annette Phillips A great way to keep your vision in front of you — literally — is to create a Dream Window. A Dream Window is similar to a dreamboard or vision board (a concept made popular recently in the movie/book, The Secret). Just like with dreamboards or vision boards, in a Dream Window, images are used to represent the things that you want in your life. The difference is that the Dream Window is designed to be like an actual window that you can hang up on your wall and look at every day. It can be as simple as a drawing of a window, or created with a simple picture frame, or a more elaborate construction. The one thing that I've always not liked about dreamboards is that they often are put away in a closet or a drawer, and then the creator misses out on a very powerful opportunity. I came up with the idea of Dream Windows with the intent that they be hung up and gazed upon many times a day. Windows, by their very definition, offer us a glimpse beyond where we are at the moment. We look through a window and see somewhere that we are not, and yet we know it's right on the other side of the pane. Similarly, a Dream Window gives you the opportunity to SEE your dream that is right on the other side of your pain. Every time you look at your Dream Window, you are getting a clearer and clearer picture of what it is you want, and why you want it, and why it's worth all the pain and struggle. You are bringing it closer and closer to reality, simply by looking at enjoying the view.
This project is excerpted from the Artella e-course, Make Change with Your Muse:Mixed Media Art Projects to Attract Prosperity and Change in Your Life. | This Quotz Crystal is a high-resolution jpeg image, suitable for printing. I invite you to print it out and hang it up to connect you with your vision every day! ~toasting marshmallows with , Marney
Artella Founder, Mango Lover, Hula Dancer
Artella Land ~ the creative isles of words, art, and spirit
Artella 9090 Skillman #182A-116 Dallas TX 75243 |
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