"In the Studio"
An Interview with Carrie Faden
(This interview is continued from the July 30, 2011 Artellagram
Artella: In your mind, how are creativity and spirituality related?
Carrie: In my thinking, creativity and spirituality can not be separate issues. That
feeling of being plugged into the creative mind and energy is so ethereal
that it seems to organically intertwine
with my spiritual connection. When I'm truly in that space of nonlinear
creativity is when I feel most connected to my creator. Its very hard for me
to explain but I think most people,
when they are lost in that creative space, can completely understand how
these energies line up. To me creativity is the place where I give God
permission to enter.
Artella: How is prosperity related to creativity and spirituality?
Carrie: I believe that by nature most people are creative spiritual beings. I think
that prosperity is a byproduct of allowing ourselves to enter the stream of
the creative mind and bring our
own unique flavor of "being" down and into existence. If we are honoring
ourselves as the creative spiritual beings that we truly are and finding
ourselves and that flow of creative
energy to be worthy, then prosperity naturally flows to us supporting our
endeavors. We are all worthy amazing beings and once we value ourselves and
allow this outflow of our true
selves to enter the world then the universe naturally supports us by saying
"Here is what you need, now we'll have more of YOU please!" So our creative,
spiritual nature being SO
abundant, naturally receives prosperity and abundance back in all kinds of
forms. People, connections, products, classes, education...all start to show
up as prosperity to support us in our true nature. The universe supports us
because it needs us to bring our individual flavor to creation..
Artella: What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? Who is your ideal client?
Carrie: My ideal client is open to new ideas, new thought patterns, open to trying
new methods to see if it is a fit for them, excited, happy to be alive and
naturally inquisitive. My ideal clients are generally filled with pure
positive energy and ready to find the tools to gift that energy to the
world. My ideal client is not afraid and through our work together we both
then become more.
ARTbundance™ Coaching is based on nine ARTbundance™ Principles.
Do you have a favorite Principle, or one that you really enjoy activating
in other people? Which one, and why?
Carrie: I would have to say that my favorite principle is Vision. Although intuition
runs a very, very close second! I am so filled with ideas for people that it
can naturally entrain them to
all kinds of ideas for their own unique vision and how they want to gift
that to the world. I LOVE seeing clients get completely built up and
energized over an idea and the vision
of what could be. Vision helps me to help them believe in themselves and
their gift. I think that Vision is what fuels the energy to build our dream
lives. Its like the watering hole that we must keep coming back to in order
to keep relaunching ourselves into the world. When we feel depleted its the
vision that refuels us. So Vision is my favorite principle to share with
clients. Intuition is the close second because it is what I
use to form the bridge and gives me the insite as to what people need in
that moment. Honestly~~ I LOVE ALL NINE!!!!
What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?
Carrie: Just before answering this question I sat down to get all of my projects
down on paper so I could organize my thoughts on my projects. Its very
timely that I had this question presented to me this
morning! I tend to have my hands in many things at once but my main pet
project right now is 365 projects in 365 days on my blog.
This is BRAND new for me so I'm working out the kinks of how to get the
projects completed and also get them up on the web and documented. There is
a huge learning curve for me here because I would like the daily posts to
also be content rich and help to teach people new methods of doing things or
thinking outside of the box. I have 365 days to get it right! My other
projects are, of course, my coaching business, working on putting together
real time creativity workshops, and taking ongoing classes in mixed media
art to hopefully bring to some upcoming workshops.
I'm an information junky and I LOVE to pass on that information to people,
so I am perpetually working on learning!
About Carrie Faden: Carrie Faden is a Certified ARTbundance™ Coach and Practitioner. Her current blog is www.thebohemiancouch.blogspot.com.
A new session of the ARTbundance™ Certification Training Program (ACT) is coming in September 2011, and applications are now available! You can get the full program details here.
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