"In the Studio"
An Interview with Jennifer Knutson
(This interview is continued from the July 23, 2011 Artellagram
Artella: In your mind, how are creativity and spirituality related?
Jennifer: In my mind creativity and spirituality go hand in hand. When I am in a space of creating I feel connected to God and grateful for the ability and opportunity to create. I love combining creativity with spirituality. Writing my prayers and doodling around them is a fun expression for me. I also love to play hymns on the piano and to revel in the beauty of others' creativity. When I watch dance performances I am always amazed at the design of the human body and when I listen to classical music I find my spirit is calmed and my heart opens.
Artella: How is prosperity related to creativity and spirituality?
Jennifer: One of the best lessons of ARTbundance has been the reminder that prosperity is more than money. When I started the training I was experiencing a low level of money and found that much of my self-worth was tied to my bank balance. What I see now is that I had a high level of free time that allowed me to serve and connect my family and friends in wonderful and unique ways. I recently started a full-time job and I now realize how much I value time prosperity (but the money is nice too)!! I have found creating is a quick way to shift my focus from lack to in abundance. Sometimes I create a list of charming things I observe while riding the bus to and from work...the act of noticing and bringing attention to my surroundings allows me acknowledge how prosperous I am.
Artella: What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? Who is your ideal client?
Jennifer: I enjoy working with people who are open to new ideas and embrace learning. I love working with people who are passionate and have a generous spirit. My ideal client laughs easily, communicates assertively and finds joy in being alive!
ARTbundance™ Coaching is based on nine ARTbundance™ Principles.
Do you have a favorite Principle, or one that you really enjoy activating
in other people? Which one, and why?
Jennifer: My favorite principle is gratitude. I love to keep a gratitude journal and to find little things that are awesome in my life. I am working to realize it's all good and to clear my life of complaining. I have a long way to go in this respect but every time I can shift my thought from crabby to grateful I feel a small victory! I also love the principle of connection. For a long time I valued being unique, independent and self-sufficient; now I value sharing and being part of the greater whole. I love activating gratitude in other people. I have found activating gratitude in my grandma a delightful exercise! I am working on being an example of gratitude in action, rather than shoulding all over others about how they ought to see how much they have to be grateful for!
What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?
Jennifer: I am working on creating a blog around my love of letter writing and "Remainings" (see below) I am working on fostering connections with people both online and in real life and I have ideas for dinner parties that could aid in this! I am working on figuring out the best/most authentic way for me to market my coaching and I am brainstorming ways to keep the 9 principles in my mind and embody them more each day!
About Jennifer Knutson: Jennifer Knutson is a Certified ARTbundance™ Coach and Practitioner. Her current blog is www.completejoy.blogspot.com.
Spring 2011 ARTbundance Certification Training program is currently in session.
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