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ARTELLAGRAM 6-5-08: "In the Studio" An Interview with Artist Lani Gerity
(This interview is continued from the June 5, 2008 Artellagram"...)
Artella: What are your favorite books, movies and music?
Lani: Lately my favorite books have all been art related. Anything by Keri Smith, the 500 series by Lark Books (such beautiful photography), Rice Freeman-Zachery's Living the Creative Life, and Mumaw and Oldfield's Caffeine for the Creative Mind. Lots of creative inspiration in these books! My favorite movies of all time are ones directed by Akira Kurosawa,Yasujirō Ozu, Frank Kapra,Werner Herzog, Robert Altman,and Horton Foote. If anyone out there loves these directors and has another favorite director that that I haven't mentioned, please feel free to educate me! Music? Well, I'm an old Dead Head through and through, but lately I've really gotten into the healing effects of binaural sounds. Curious? There are quite a few websites devoted to this unique sound experience, so my advice would be to "google" "healing binaural sounds" and I'd be very happy to answer any questions you might have on the subject.
Artella: What is your favorite organizational tool for your studio?
Lani: The best thing invented for the artist/pack-rat is the clear plastic container, clear glass container, and clear plastic ziplock bags! The main thing is the "clear" part! Organization is so much easier when you can see what it is you are organizing. Simple shelving helps too, so that you can keep all your clear containers right where you can see them.
Artella: An issue that consistently pops up in the Daily Muse and the Artella Cafe is about time. Specifically, how to find the time to do all of the creative projects that we want to do and take care of all of the other responsibilities and activities we do on a daily basis. There never seems to be enough time to do all of the things we need to do. Do you have any suggestions or tips on how to deal with this problem?
Great question! I think a lot of us could benefit by doing some time management work. Maybe a collaborative round robin altered art book on favorite time management techniques! What do you think? Any way, I'll give you my favorite time management techniques:
* Figure out when your most productive time of day is. Find ways to free up a little time for yourself during that period. 20-23 minutes of creative time just for you in what the psychoimunologists say we need in order to maintain our health. If you are a morning person, you could get up 20-23 minutes earlier, if your big creative push time is when you are at work, schedule yourself a coffee break or lunch break at that time. The idea is to carve out some time for your inner artist. You won't be sorry, I guarantee it.
* Make sure that you have some way to do art-to-go. Create a bag just for art projects that can travel, like an art journal, stitching, knitting or beading to go.
* Make commitments to do the artful things that make your inner artist do the happy dance, like specific art swaps and exchanges. Sometimes committing to someone else to create something you would love to create is just the push you might need to make it happen.
That's just three ideas, but I think a round robin altered art book on this subject would be really great. Anyone want to play?.
Artella: What's your secret to balance "chaos", necessary for working with order, also necessary for working?
Lani: I think the biggest secret to balance "chaos" with order, is knowing just THAT, that chaos is necessary for creative efforts. Society will give us plenty of pointers about bringing order to chaos, but really giving ourselves permission to create some chaos seems to be key to managing and balancing the two! Once you give yourself permission and really embrace that aspect of the universe or your art room, then things start to fall into place. Sometimes it's the denial of the necessity of chaos which actually makes it overwhelming and that creates a lack of balance in our lives.
To see Lani's art and eBooks in The Shoppes of Artella, click here!
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