ARTELLAGRAM 3-12-2011: "In the Studio"
An Interview with Donniece Smith
(This interview is continued from the March 12, 2011 Artellagram... )
Artella: In your mind, how are creativity and spirituality related?
Donniece: I visualize creativity and spirituality as two sides of the same coin. In my mind they can't be separated without there being a price to pay. My expression feeds my soul and my soulful experiences feed my creativity. When I created many projects on fast deadlines without soul in my corporate graphic design job I experienced a depletion of energy. In hindsight I learned that the corporate job was not to blame. It was simply my lack of knowledge regarding the need to balance and integrate creativity and soul.
Artella: How is prosperity related to creativity and spirituality?
Donniece: In thinking of how to answer this question I came to relate creativity and spirituality to water, clouds and rain. Creativity and Spirituality is like water forming into clouds with prosperity being the resulting rain. There is no predictable flow to the process and it can be difficult to wait and pray for the rain. Sometimes there are long stretches without rain but the faith we show through creativity and spirituality will result in prosperous rain. Doing our creative work with spiritual intention makes us rain makers.
Artella: What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? Who is your ideal client?
Donniece: At this point in time I can only speculate on who I think my ideal client will be. Based on my corporate experience I know I would enjoy helping others transition from their corporate careers into their second creative careers. I also enjoy working with people who think they have no artistic talent. It is a joy to lead them through a project and see how thrilled they are with their artistic outcome because everyone is creative.
Artella: ARTbundance™ Coaching is based on nine ARTbundance™ Principles. Do you have a favorite Principle, or one that you really enjoy activating in other people? Which one, and why?
Donniece: Connection is the principle that comes naturally to me. I enjoy helping people connect back to lost or hidden parts of themselves. I love the connection of ideas and how they formulate into big projects and change the world. I love to make connections between people and network. All of the principles work together but I would say Connection is my touchstone.
Artella: What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?
Donniece: My current project is a 13 month blog that launched on my 50th birthday in January 2011. It is titled Thirteen Threads from the Wild Heart. Using the metaphor of thread, the creative process is explored through art, writing and sharing with a different thread theme each month. My muse, Lulu Red, makes surprise visits to share her sassy and wise words on occasion. At the end of the project I will have a gallery show of the body of work I create this year. I am having lots of ideas for additional goodies to share along the way as well. I invite you to join me on this journey at http://www.thirteenthreadsfromthewildheart.com As for my future, I know it will be bright and include my own unique blend of creative expression. I hope the same for all of you as well.
Donniece Smith is a multi-faceted artist, writer and lifelong Texan. Catch a glimpse of her creative adventures at http://www.thirteenthreads.com
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