"In the Studio"
An Interview with Lara Geach
(This interview is continued from the December 5, 2011 Artellagram
Artella: In your mind, how are creativity and spirituality related?
Lara: This is where I need to draw a picture, I think! Words just cannot explain it ... For me creativity and spirituality are one and the same - I feel connected to a 'higher power' when I'm creating, and in turn I view creativity as a spiritual experience - I make sense of my world by the forms of expression I use, be it painting, collage, felt-making or quilting. For example, I have made a felt pot which has reinforced my belief that you take one step at a time, keep your faith and everything will turn out all right. Another example is a handmade quilt I'm making completely of hexagons and I've called it 'hanging on in there' as it's been one of the creative activities that kept me going through my experience of homesickness as I've moved from country to country. One of my favorite symbols I use again and again in my art is the spiral - in itself a spiritual symbol, it reminds me that life is forever fluctuating in and out, never linear. Spirituality and creativity - I can't separate the two!
Artella: How is prosperity related to creativity and spirituality?
Lara: A good question! To start, I view prosperity as having enough and being content in all areas of life - be it spiritually, mentally, health-wise, financially, creatively, etc ... I think it's related to creativity and spirituality in that creativity helps us to find the true us - as the saying goes, 'only you can be the best you, you can be!' I passionately believe that creativity enables us to discover our authentic selves, the self that is hidden under all the expectations we feel we have to live up to. It enables us to find out how we want to live and be, and in that I believe lies the way to prosperity - it really is a spiritual journey.
Artella: What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? Who is your ideal client?
Lara: The people I really enjoy working with are those who believe wholeheartedly that they haven't got a creative bone in their body. I get great enjoyment in blowing that lie apart! To see the smile on their faces, or hear the happiness in their voices as they discover they can write a poem is mind-blowing! Then to show them how to use this creativity to find their voice, that's so amazing I can't even begin to find words to describe it! So I guess that's 98% of the population! (It always surprises me that when I talk about creativity, most people will say, 'Oh, I couldn't do that' - it's like waving the proverbial red flag in front of me! I have to prove otherwise!)
If I had to decide on an ideal client, it would be youth, who may not feel their voice is worth hearing - sometimes it's hard to put feelings into words, and art is a fantastic way of expressing those difficult and troublesome emotions. Also, women with self-esteem issues - women are very good at nurturing others, but can tend to forget themselves - I have a particular interest in mothers with Postnatal Depression issues. Motherhood is one of the most difficult jobs in the world, sometimes the nurturers need to be nurtured. And anyone who wants to unleash their creativity.
Artella: ARTbundance™ Coaching is based on nine ARTbundance™ Principles. Do you have a favorite Principle, or one that you really enjoy activating in other people? Which one, and why?
Lara: Hmmm, that's a difficult one, as all the principles are linked and gorgeous in their own right. But for me it would have to be Intuition - it's important to me as I feel it's my heart leading me where I have to go for my own good - and the choices I make using my intuition are usually the right ones for me. So I love activating Intuition in others too as I really believe it's the most genuine way of connecting with our true essence, it's our true voice and needs to be heard. It's great to help people get into that space where they can hear that still, small voice and learn to act on it. Listening to our Intuition lets us become our authentic self.
Artella: What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?
Lara: My future is exciting because I'm learning to trust my intuition and follow where it leads, although it can be scary sometimes I'll admit! I'm presently putting together a business plan basing my coaching business on how I want it to look, really visualizing how it will feel, look, behave and how it will help people. It's lots of fun, and presently involves writing down lots of lists and making doodles! Ideas are furiously popping into my head, so I have to take some quiet time to write them down in my notebook so I don't forget! I've had lots of little signs that I'm on the right track, people commenting on my artworks on my blog or saying I inspire them which is very humbling, more people following me on Twitter (go figure!) and people really listening with interest when I tell them what my business is about. So, I'm taking it one step at a time and taking Marney's advice to keep moving forward and not expecting it all to happen in one day! That's another lesson for me to learn - patience! It's all a learning process, and I'm glad it's on-going - how boring would it be to know absolutely everything! Here's to discovery and finding our way to authenticity!
Lara says: I live in the wonderful Hills of Perth, Western Australia, with my beautiful family and gentle dog. My life consists of embracing creativity everyday, whether it be through my crochet, knitting, sewing or mixed media art, as well as taking care of my family (which I also see as a creative act). It's a passionate belief of mine that everyone is creative and I would love for everyone to embrace their own innate creativity, and come to learn its therapeutic properties! I also see creativity as the means to finding your authentic voice. ARTbundance™ is such a beautiful way to do this. I look forward to meeting many more creative spirits and sharing in your stories.
You might like to read about my creative adventures from my studio in the forest at my blog, www.larageach.blogspot.com. I am also happy to connect with you by Skype, simply email me first. Love and blessings to you, Lara.

The Fall 2011 session of the ARTbundance™ Certification Training Program (ACT) is now in session. If you would like to be notified when the next session is announced, simply fill out this form.
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