"In the Studio"
An Interview with Caitlin Anderson
(This interview is continued from the January 7, 2012 Artellagram
Artella: How has your ARTbundance™ training affected your work and/or life?
Caitlin: The months of courses, teleclasses, ARTsignments, and mentoring was magical (Hooray for my ACT Mentor, Athena!). I found myself “thinking in art.” Or coming up with art ideas to help solve a problem or answer a question. And now? I miss the structure ARTbundance provided. Though I’ve attempted to schedule projects in the same vein, it just doesn’t seem to work! The accountability to a group, a blog, a mentor, and facilitator keeps me on my toes!
Artella: In your mind, how are creativity and spirituality related?
Caitlin: Creativity is something within us all that can be tapped into at any time. Isn’t spirituality the same? We all have something outside of ourselves (spirituality) that we tap into, call to ourselves, and pray to (or meditate to? Or talk to?) when needed. To me, “doing” art is important – but more important is BEING in an artsy place. Quiet, listening, reflecting. While doing art! In CTI life coaching we focus on the difference between DOING and BEING. ARTbundance training goes right along with combining these two inter-related concepts.
Artella: How is prosperity related to creativity and spirituality?
Caitlin: For some, yes. I guess if one is ultimately creative and produces arts or crafts to sell, that may lead to prosperity. And maybe this art comes from BEING created during a time of peace and serenity – or spirituality? For some reason (Scorpio? Living with chronic illness? Parenting?) prosperity as defined by financial success doesn’t work for me. I’m much more inclined to think of prosperity as good health, being surrounded by family and friends, and being the best I can in each moment. Is that prosperity? Maybe!
Artella: What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? Who is your ideal client?
Caitlin: My ideal client is someone who is curious, loves learning, and lets me ask the tough questions! Or suggest what may seem like a crazy art project to “play” with a concept! As a life coach first, I tend to focus back on identifying the inherent values that are important at the core of each person. I love how the ARTbundance principles weave right into whatever values we identify for ourselves. I’ve worked successfully with dissertation writing clients, career changers, and folks that are looking to identify “what’s next?”
Artella: What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?
Caitlin: Do you have a Magic8 Ball or crystal ball to help me answer that question?
Daily I work on healing and living with a chronic illness. My body either limits or spurs me into a work mode! While I “think in art”, I seem to have less time to implement the projects I design in my head than I’d like! Honestly? I’m creating course proposals based on the “Ecstatic about Ekphrastic Poetry” course I led to become an ARTbundance practitioner. And there are many little projects sitting in my studio, left from 2011, that are crying for attention (and finishing!). My most interest projects have grown from Artella: a “One Hunger Mastermind Group” and a 2012 Life Makeover Group! Shout outs to Jo Beall, Jan Blount, Lisa Lehwalder, and NanLeah Mick! And my dream? To buy my mentor’s home and art studio so she can move to Hawaii! And at the same time, purchase another artists’ stained glass studio “stuff” to put into that studio! Oh, the dreams that would come true if that happens!
Caitlin Anderson, PhD, CPCC, is a Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, ARTbundance Coach and Consultant. Visit her at

The 6th session of the ARTbundance™ Certification Training (ACT) begins on January 30, and applications are now available and will be accepted through January 23. You can learn more about ACT and request your application here.
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