"In the Studio"
An Interview with Sheila Masson
(This interview is continued from the January 18, 2012 Artellagram
Artella: What led you to become a Certified ARTbundance™ Coach/Practitioner?
Sheila: I had just jumped off a sharp and costly learning curve where I was educated in what I did not want in a coaching program. A little back story: I have been a personal growth consultant for a number of years using the wisdom of yoga, astrology and tarot as foundational tools. I decided I wanted to certify as a Life Coach and spent a number of months searching on line for the right program for me. When one company approached me I thought, ooh, synchronicity must equal destiny and so I plunged in ignoring, somewhat, the high pressure hustling that passed as their enrollment process. Fortunately, I resurfaced after a few days and began the long process of extricating myself from their clutches. As part of the process, I chose to reframe what I was seeing as a financial loss, allowing it to morph into financial investment in clarifying and strengthening my core values around being heart centered. I made an effort to come to gratitude for my ability to see with new eyes. I felt rewarded then when Marneys e-mail announcing the ARTbundance Coach Training Program appeared soon after my ordeal was over.
Artella: In your mind, how are creativity and spirituality related?
Sheila: Great question! In my heart’s mind, Spirit is the Source of Creation. I see Love, Joy and Beauty as fundamental qualities of Spirit. We are always creating, co-creating actually, in every moment through the choices we make. We often mis-create through fearful thinking and may not even be aware that we are, in fact, creating. The more we expand our awareness, however, the more we can take part in the evolutionary process of manifesting Spirit on Earth through acts of conscious heart-centered creativity.
Artella: How is prosperity related to creativity and spirituality?
Sheila: Another great question! Webster’s defines prosperity as the condition of being successful or thriving. especially economic well-being. Marketing gurus tell us that one of the best ways to become a successful/prosperous entrepreneur is to identify a common problem and then create a product that solves that problem. Wayne Dyer says, ‘There is a spiritual solution to every problem.’ If we combine these ideas then we could say that an inspired, i.e. connected to spirit, creative heartmind is the means to prosperity.
Artella: ARTbundance™ Coaching is based on nine ARTbundance™ Principles. Do you have a favorite Principle, or one that you really enjoy activating in other people? Which one, and why?
Sheila: I am a student of numerology and I enjoy translating words into numbers to access another dimension of understanding. All the ARTbundance Principles are great ones. At the top of my list though is Gratitude. The soul urge (vowels) of Gratitude is a 9 which connects to inner light, giving and selflessness. The expression (consonants) number is 6 connected to nurturing and generosity. We grow ourselves and the world when we are in a state of Gratitude. Here is a wonderful quote I received recently: “Abundance lives on the wings of Blessings.”
Next on my list is Vision because I love to motivate and inspire ‘seeing with new eyes’ in my friends, clients and students who often become one and the same category of people - friends.
Artella: What does your future hold? What projects are you working on now?
Sheila: My future holds the highest and best version of myself possible. To that end I am working on clearing out of service items and habits from my environment. I am establishing new foundations of operation on the home front as well as for my business. I am focused on continuing to create classes, yoga, tarot and astrology that speak to expanding awareness of who, as a humanity, we truly are. I am open to the best that Spirit presents to me in 2012. I love surprises!
Sheila Masson has long been inspired by the Delphi Oracle’s message – “Know Thyself” She is a Reiki Master, an IET Master-Teacher, working with the Angels of the Energy Field and has ongoing studies in sound Healing and Energy Medicine as well as being a Certified ARTbundancetm Coach. She can be contacted via email sheilamasson3@gmail.com.

The 6th session of the ARTbundance™ Certification Training (ACT) begins on January 30, and applications are now available and will be accepted through January 23. You can learn more about ACT and request your application here.
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