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ARTELLAGRAM 3-29-06: Art Tip Example
Take a look at what Marney manifested!
It's fun to decorate on paper! And that's a powerful first step
to making it happen in the physical world, too!
Marney's e-course, "Creative ManiFestival: A 30-Day Course in Increasing Prosperity Through Words and Art" uses a step-by-step program for using words and art to manifest your dream office or studio as a example system for manifesting absolutely anything!
For information about Creative ManiFestival, and to take a FREE 5-Day Sample of the e-course, click here.
For the most creative approach to Spring Cleaning that you're likely to ever see, take a look at "Decluttering for Creatives: Metaphor and Meaning in Creative Spaces", created by Marney and clutter expert Diane Armstrong.
For info about DeCluttering for Creatives, click here.
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