Miracle Soup
Day 14


Hi {!name}~
Today is the last day of the second week, which consisted of Transforming Beliefs.

Attached to this message is the Weekly Miracle Menu for this week, with suggestions for further exploration along the idea of

Today's Recipe serves as a transition between Transformation and Service.  You'll start a new week for Service tomorrow.

American people especially are very competitive with one another, and I believe that it has hurt us, as a society, far more than it has helped us.  Today's exercise encourages you to release the idea of competition, or the perception of any lack in relation to another person or entity.  Consider what Deepak Chopra says, which is in direct opposition to the idea of competition:

"Practicing the Law of Giving is actually very simple: if you want joy, give joy to others; if you want love, learn to give love; if you want attention and appreciation, learn to give
attention and appreciation; if you want material affluence, help others become materially affluent. In fact the easiest way to get
what you want is to help others get what they want."
-- Deepak Chopra in "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success"

There are several reasons why the action of giving someone else what YOU most desire works:

On a spiritual level, it attracts more of what you desire to you. An energetic "message" is sent, in ways that we can't fullyarticulate, that is matched by what is drawn to you. Whatever you give is always returned to you.  Going about it this way - helpingsome get what you, yourself want - helps the Universe be specific in the way you receive it.

On a practical level, this gets you actively and passionately thinking about the topic at hand, which will bring more inspiration, brainstorming, and motivation about obtaining your own desire.  By helping others get what you want, you instantly put yourself in the same sphere as your desire - connecting with the same people, places, events that will bring your desire closer to both the people you are helping AND to you.



Miracle Recipe #14:


This recipe card (on the lower right of the recipe cards for this week) focuses on the act of transforming desires.   Here's how it

1.    Write down your desire.
2.    "Spin" the desire 180 degrees.  Write it so that you are helping
another/others get that very thing.
3.    Write down an action you can take to indicate your commitment to
the "spin".
4.    Check off when it is done.

An example:

Desire: I want to be a published writer.
Spin: I want to help others become published writers.
Action: Conduct research about the process of submitting a bookproposal, for the purpose of creating a booklet to give to your writer friends as a gift.  This will help them get the basic facts about the process, saving them gads of research time.  Think ofways to share this information to help a wider audience,too.

Obviously, there are MANY actions that could be taken to make this"spin" come true.  Pick one action....or pick twenty .....either way, you are making a significant difference in bringing your desire closer to you.

~spinning is winning,