You can search the Artella Web site or the Shoppes of Artella RIGHT HERE!
Summer 2004 Brings Artella's Hottest Sale Ever!
Sale extended through Tuesday, July 7 Saturday, July 10, at midnight EDT

A new sale has sizzled in, just in time for summer!
Subscribe or
Renew your subscription to Artella today
and pick YOUR CHOICE of the four free Gift Packs listed below!
Refer a new subscriber, and you BOTH choose a free Gift Pack!+
Let our Fun Quiz help you see
Which Pack is Right for You!
Now, YOU get to choose which pack of goodies is right for you!
Each Pack is filled with FREE publications, products, and discounts to make your
creativity sizzle!
Sale extended through Tuesday, July 7, at midnight EDT
Need Some Help Deciding? Take Our Fun Quiz to See
Which Pack is Right for You!
- Make Stuff, Make Money: How to Start an Indie Crafts Business eBook from Artella
- The Art of Chinese Paper Folding eBook by Maying Soon
- Jewelry Making for the Beginning Craftsman eBook by Mary Davis
- How to Paint for Pleasure eBook by R.O. Dunlop
- The Complete Idealist's Guide to Digital Photos eBook from Artella
- ExerSIGHS: Self-Esteem for Writers and Artists eBook from Artella
- True Colors: Using Color in Your Home and in Your Life from
- "Taking Control, One Page at a Time" by Eliza Badurina
- Illustrated Odes to Old Friends eBook from Artella
- An issue of BeMused, from Caravan Publishing
- $5.00 Gift Certificate for The Shoppes of Artella*
- 50% discount to Goalar Energy e-course
- 25% discount on the upcoming eBook Artella Mae Returns: 50 MORE Techniques for Using Vintage Photos in Art
- Free listing of one item to sell in The Shoppes of Artella**
- Free One-Month Artella Membership
I want the Artist's Adventure Pack! Sign me up!
- Zines and Tweens: Publishing Zines, eZines and Magazines eBook from Artella
- Those Who CAN, Teach!: Uncovering Workshops Inside You eBook from Artella
- ExerSIGHS: Self-Esteem for Writers and Artists eBook from Artella
- From Procrastination to Publication (excerpt) eBook by Sallianne Norelli of
- Behind the Veil: Visual Prompts for Creative Writing eBook by Marney Makridakis and Deb Silva
- Writing for the Web: Masters Course from
- "101 Prompts for Creative Writing and Collage" from Artella
- 50% discount to Writes and Passages e-course
- 50% discount to Goalar Energy e-course
- $50.00 Gift Certificate to use toward Create Your Own YOUniversity e-course
- $5.00 Gift Certificate for The Shoppes of Artella*
- Free entry for 3 poems in Artella's Poetic Idol Competition
- Free One-Month Artella Membership
I want the Wild Writer's Pack! Sign me up! |
- Zines and Tweens: Publishing Zines, eZines and Magazines eBook from Artella
- Those Who CAN, Teach!: Uncovering Workshops Inside You eBook from Artella
- The Rainbow Blitz: A Brainstorming Workbook for Splashy Marketing eBook from Artella
- Make Stuff, Make Money: How to Start an Indie Crafts Business! eBook from Artella
- How to Make a Home Office Feel Like Home: 15 Tips for Success eBook from Artella
- Writing for the Web: Masters Course from
- Service Sellers: Masters Course from
- "Feng Shui: A Secret Search Engine Tool for Web Sites" by Susan Lavery of
- "Finding a Niche on the Internet" from Michael Holland of
- "How to Keep Your Clients Happy When You're On Summer Vacation" by Alicia Forest of
- 50% discount to Goalar Energy e-course
- $50.00 Gift Certificate to use toward Create Your Own YOUniversity e-course
- $5.00 Gift Certificate for The Shoppes of Artella*
- Free One-Month Artella Membership
I want the Hip Entrepreneur's Pack! Sign me up! |
- a philosophical riff: the complete collection of Artella columns written by Dr. Lonnie D. Kliever
- What Wings Are Made Of Audio-Visual eBook from Artella
- Illustrated Odes to Old Friends eBook from Artella
- True Colors: Using Color in Your Home and in Your Life from
- "Weeding the House" by Diane Armstrong of
- "Anchoring Your Life Calling" by Julie Henderling of
- "Using Feng Shui and Your Art to Create Harmony and Prosperity" by Susan Lavery of
- Audio "Pink Prosperity Prayer", courtesy of KJoy! from
- An issue of BeMused, courtesy of Caravan Publishing
- The Art of Chinese Paper Folding eBook by Maying Soon
- 50% discount to Accounting Your Blessings e-course
- 50% discount to Miracle Soup e-course
- 50% discount to Creative ManiFestival e-course
- $50.00 Gift Certificate to use toward Create Your Own YOUniversity e-course
- $5.00 Gift Certificate for The Shoppes of Artella*
- Free One-Month Artella Membership
I want the Inspired Seeker's Pack! Sign me up! |
- To subscribe, follow the links above to order a new subscription and choose your Gift Pack.
- To renew a current subscription, click here
and indicate your choice of Gift Pack with your order
To receive a Gift Pack for referring a friend, tell your friend to give us your name when subscribing. We'll contact
you and ask you for your choice.
Sale extended through Tuesday, July 7, at midnight EDT
Need Some Help Deciding? Take Our Fun Quiz to See
Which Pack is Right for You!
Items contained in the Gift Packs may not be substituted, exchanged, or refunded for cash value.
*$5.00 Gift Certificate good for a total Shoppes purchase of $20.00 or more
**If already selling in the Shoppes, artist receives a free listing of a new item.
If new to the Shoppes, artist receives $5.00 off the setup fee.
Let our little quiz help you decide on your Gift Pack!
1. You are happiest when surrounded by...
a) paints, paintbrushes, inks, and beautiful paper
b) your favorite books and your journal
c) brainstorming lists, mindmaps, and storyboards
d) nature
2. Your ideal dinner partner would be...
a) Georgia O'Keeffe
b) Anne LaMott
c) Oprah
d) Mother Theresa
3. If you have it your way, Summer 2004 is the summer that you will...
a) spend as much time making art as possible
b) complete a writing project that's been in your head for a long, long time
c) bring your business idea to the next level
d) achieve a greater sense of balance in your life
4. Your favorite magazines are...
a) Artist's Sketchbook, Somerset Studio, Expression...and soon, Artella!
b) Writers Digest, Poets & Writers, The New Yorker...and soon, Artella!
c) Home Business, Entrepreneur, Working Mom ...and soon, Artella!
d) New Age, Yoga Journal, Inner Self ...and soon, Artella!
5. You are most inspired by the movies...
a) Amelie, Frida, How to Make an American Quilt, Pollock
b) Adaptation, Shakespeare in Love, Finding Forrester, To Sir With Love
c) Working Girl, Erin Brokovitch, Jerry Maguire
d) Shawshank Redemption, Ghandi, Seven Years in Tibet
SCORING: If you have mostly A's, we suggest the Artist's Adventure Pack. Mostly B's, dive into the
Wild Writer's Pack. Mostly C's, opt for the Hip Entrepreneur's Pack. Mostly D's, go for the
Inspired Seeker's Pack!