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golden nuggets of words, art & spirit
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The WildChild Weekend PlayDate Promotion!

We would love YOUR help in spreading the word about Artella's WildChild Wisdom Weekend!

Give us just THREE names of people to whom we may either send an eCard or a good, old-fashioned snail mail postcard announcing the WildChild Wisdom Weekend, and you'll receive our upcoming eBook, BookLarks: 200 Themes and Dreams for Art Journals for FREE when it is released on August 15.

We'll send your friends a gorgeous personalized invitation to the retreat, infused with lots of Artella energy and warm wishes from you. For each friend, you decide whether you'd like it to be a snail mail invitation or an e-invitation.

In addition to the eBook, if you and a friend you invite both sign up for this fantastic, once-in-a-lifetime weekend, you'll BOTH save $25 off the registration fee, in addition to any other discounts you may be claiming.

Simply fill out the form below to give us the name of your three friends. We'll email you BookLarks: 200 Themes and Dreams for Art Journals as soon as it is ready. Thank you for helping us spread the word about the WildChild Wisdom Weekend!!

PLAYDATE PROMOTION! Give 3 names, get the new eBook!
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