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Artella's Mystery Muse 2006
The early dark
and shorter days
make each single light more important.
Any spark stands out...
the Muse has easy work
on such a canvas.
If you have questions, email Fred at
To post a comment about Artella's 2006 Mystery Muse, or to read the comments others have posted, go to
A celebration of the light to come!
It's another "anonymous creative exchange" opportunity to share your creativity with someone else!
- Did you participate in Artella's Mystery Muse in the past, and just love it so much you want to do it again?
- Did you participate in Artella's Secret Sprites of Spring, and want to be a part of Mystery Muse?
- Did you miss out on the Mystery Muse and the Secret Sprites?
- Are you new to Artella, and never heard of either the Mystery Muse or the Secret Sprites?
In any case, you have an opportunity to participate in a creativity exchange,
because Artella is announcing our Fifth Annual Mystery Muse Exchange!
Last year, we had about 350 people participating in this exchange! Click here
to read some of the exchanges of last year's participants on our "Musings" Exchange Forum, to get a sense of the generous spirit of this project.
When you sign up as a Mystery Muse for the Winter Solstice Gift Exchange, you commit yourself to sending one creative offering to your "Muse-ee" during the month of December.
This offering can be anything -- a poem you have written, an ATC (artist's trading card), a tiny piece of needlework, a sketch -- anything that you have created yourself.
The idea is giving -- to create a generous, loving community of words and art, sharing our creations with other people during the
turn of the year. This is an opportunity to let your Muse bring joy to someone's life. You can be a spark of light.
Of course, you may send more that one gift, if you wish, and you may communicate with your Muse-ee via email, either before or after you send your gift.
And the "mystery" part? Your Muse-ee will not know, until you contact her, either with her gift or via email, who you are!
The deadline to sign up is November 27, 2007. You will receive your "Muse-ee" assignment on or before November 30.
If you need more information, or have questions not answered here, you can email Fred (he will be our co-ordinator) at
IMPORTANT: PLEASE do not sign up unless you are serious about your commitment to send a creative offering to your Muse-ee.
It's a busy time of year, so please evaluate your circumstances to make sure that you have the time and energy to follow through on your commitment.
Of course, we know that things come up - in that case, PLEASE let Fred ( know as soon as you can, so that we can rescue your muse-ee with an "Angel Muse".
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