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Artella's First "Lost and Found Story Contest"
What: An "unfinished story" contest! We found an unfinished story in a time long ago, in a dream resting under tomorrow's pillow.
While the cover of the Dreamworld issue seems to provide us with some clues, we would love to know what happens next. Complete a chapter of the story, using our beginning, to enter the "Lost and Found Story Contest"! The length and format of the chapter is up to you. Wildness and out-of-the-box imagination are encouraged! As the grand prize winner will be invited to continue writing regular installment chapters for our Web site (see below), it is not necessary to bring your story to a resolved conclusion...keep the mystery going!
Where: The original unfinished story is included in Artella 8, The Dreamworld: Night Sees the Day. If you do not have the original Unfinished Story from Artella 8, you can download it as a PDF here.
To download the PDF file:
(1) Right-click the link.
(2) Click "Save Target As" on the shortcut menu
(3) Browse to a location on your computer to save it directly on your hard drive.
(4) Be sure to remember where you save it, so that you can open it later.
(5) Open it with Adobe Reader. If you do not have Adobe Reader installed on your computer, you can download it FREE at
Who: The contest is open to anyone! If you did not receive Artella 8, you can still participate...just download the story in PDF form, using the instructions above.
When: Send your chapter in the body of an email (NOT as attachments) to us here no later than midnight, August 1, 2005. This deadline is firm, so please plan ahead to get your chapter to us by the deadline.
Prizes: Our grand prize winner will receive $100s of dollars of inspiring Artella merchandise - you'll help design your own gift package! The winner will also have the honor of continuing the story as a special feature on the Artella Web site by writing a monthly installment to his or her story that will be serialized on our site, illustrated by Artella artists.
We will also publish several others of the best completed story entries on the Web site, so it's time to WRITE! Release your WILDNESS for this provocative story competition! Find what is lost!
Click here for more information about The Dreamworld!