You can search the Artella Web site or the Shoppes of Artella RIGHT HERE!
This is a BRAND NEW contest, with great prizes!
THREE Grand Prize Packages will go to the first three people who send in a list with all 50 things located correctly.
ALL participants win fun prizes, too!
All participants will receive:
- One month FREE Artella membership!
- One of the following:
- The privilege of entering three poems, FREE, in Artella's Monthly Poetic Idol Contest
OR - The listing of one item for sale in The Shoppes of Artella. (If already a participating artist, winner can simply add an item without a new listing fee. If an artist not yet listed in the Shoppes, winner can deduct $5.00 from the initial listing fee.)
Three Grand Prize Packages:
- A copy of the book Holy Moly Mackeroly by Gloria Page.
- Enrollment in any Artella e-course* (*except YOU * U and The Wealthcare Program)
- One of the following:
- The privilege of entering three poems, FREE, in Artella's Monthly Poetic Idol Contest
OR - The listing of one item for sale in The Shoppes of Artella. (If already a participating artist, winner can simply add an item without a new listing fee. If an artist not yet listed in the Shoppes, winner can deduct $5.00 from the initial listing fee.)
- Three months FREE membership in Artella!
1. Email your list of 50 things, with description and page number, to:
2. Grand prizes will be the FIRST THREE lists with ALL FIFTY THINGS correctly
identified and found.
3. Contest closes at midnight, June 8, and entries received after that date and time
will not be eligible for prizes.
Remember scavenger hunts where your group is given a list of things to find and you must scour the neighborhood to find them? Well, here is an Artella Scavenger Hunt. Here is a list of fifty things see if you can find them in
e-Artella #e-5.
Dont have your copy of e-Artella #e-5 downloaded? You can purchase e-Artella #e-5 for $4.95. This is same price as all of our electronic issues. e-Artella #e-5 was our juiciest e-Artella yet...76 pages full of artsy inspiration!
Clicking here will take you to the page where you can purchase e-Artella #e-5.
Things to Find in e-Artella #e-5 (Remember, you have two volumes to search)
1. An American flag
2. An artist who has a mad scientist husband
3. An artist who lives in White Rock, British Colombia
4. A bottle of champagne
5. Butterflies
6. A candlestick with candle
7. Carol McKennas dogs name
8. A child in a red snowsuit
9. The copyright date of e-Artella #e-5
10. The cost of four illustrated dictionaries from the 1800s, bought at a local library book sale
11. A definition of the word miracle
12. A dolls flower pot
13. A domino
14. An excerpt from YOU * U
15. A four of hearts
16. A green bra
17. Green eyes
18. A heart-shaped arrow point
19. A heart-shaped dress
20. An Hungarian postage stamp
21. A John Donne quote
22. A lake in Colorado
23. The last name of the artist whose first name is Atkinson
24. Lilies
25. A lime-green T-shirt with a blue figure on it
26. A lioness
27. M&Ms
28. The name of a truant officer
29. The name of Conny Dempseys painting
30. One use for a cream cheese lid
31. An orange pear
32. An owl
33. A person with six hands
34. A piano
35. A purple-striped robe
36. A ruler
37. Someone playing a pipe
38. A tiny heart tattoo on the shoulder of a fairy
39. A typographical error (yes, we do make them occasionally, and sometimes our proofreader misses them)
40. What can be used for hats, halos, and hair ornaments
41. What is the heartbeat of God
42. What month is in the name of the painting by Chabas
43. What yellow poppies stand for
44. Where Lyse Stormant is when she is writing
45. A white horse
46. Who painted La Belle Dame Sans Merci
47. Who painted Paris, A Rainy Day
48. Who starred in the movie Rosemarie
49. A woman smelling a rose
50. A yellow hand-print
BONUS: How many stars can you count in this issue of e-Artella? (We have no idea how many there are!)
Remember, email your list of 50 things, with description and page number, to: