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Articulation 8-5-03 August 05, 2003 |
Hi ~ Greetings! Happy Tuesday, Happy August, Happy Day! Thanks for taking a break from your busy day to enjoy this week's ARTICULATION. My offering for this week is called Pocket of Forget-Me-Nots. It's about remembering what we've forgotten. I hope you enjoy it. To view Pocket of Forget-Me-Nots, click here! If the above doesn't work, you can cut and paste this URL in your browser: Midsummer Fun! First of all, thanks to everyone who entered last week's Summer Fun Articulation Scavenger Hunt! I will have the drawing for the winner of TWO free issues of Artella this weekend, to give those who haven't entered yet the chance to play. If you need me to resend the "clues" for the scavenger hunt that was in last week's newsletter, just drop me an email and I'll send them to you. For this week's SUMMER FUN, I've placed a "Midsummer Night's Discount" on the Artella e-course, Writes & Passages: A Guide to Becoming an "Every Day" Writer. The 30-day course includes a writing exercise that comes to your inbox every single day for 30 days. Whether you're a seasoned writer looking to deepen your commitment to daily writing, or if you're just beginning to play with words, this course is just the support you need to make it happen. Participant Jenny Ryan said, "This course got me in the habit of writing every day, which has made me more connecting with my writing than I have ever been." The course is usually $29.99, but until August 15 you can enroll for just $11.99, which is an all-time low price for this course. With this 60% discount, you get daily support for your writing dreams for less than 40 cents a day! This Midsummer Night's Discount is only available until August 15. Take a look at the workshops page and scroll down to the bottom to read about Writes and Passages and enroll in the course. You can even sign up for a trial of the course for five days at no cost...which gives you time to enroll before the discount ends. I hope you'll have fun with this opportunity...and happy midsummer! Artella News! 1. FREE Creative Workshop! My next free teleworkshop, WordJazz Poetry: A Play Date with Words and Your Creative Spirit, is on Monday, August 25th, from 8:30-10:00pm EST. You can reserve your spot right away by sending a blank email to or visit the workshops page (see link, above) for more information. 2. Changes to Upcoming Artella Themes! When taking a look at the upcoming schedule for the print issues of Artella, I decided to postpone the issue for "The Elements" until early 2003, and replace it with seasonal issue to be released in early December. The new theme for Artella 5 is "Winter Magic & Muse", which will encompass writing and art along all winter and holiday themes. The deadline for submissions to this theme 9/20/03. "The Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water" will be the first issue released in 2003. The deadline for submission si 11/20/03. I'm excited about the "Winter Magic & Muse" issue and hope you will be, too! For more information about submissions, visit the submissions page. 3. New link for free e-Artella! If you requested the free issue of e-Artella (e-Artella #e-1) at some point but had difficulty receiving or downloading it, we have now set up a new Web page where you can download the issue directly to your computer at the click of a button. If you'd like the new link, just write me an email and I'll send it to. And don't forget to tell all the creative souls you know about this free issue of e-Artella! It's a 56-page PDF that's free to anyone who asks. And there's something in it for you, too...if you send me an email (blank is fine) with "Spreading the Word" in the Subject line, I'll send you a PDF booklet I put together called 101 Topics and Triggers for Explorations in Collage and Writing as a thank-you gift. 4. Artella 3 is en route! I checked my tracking number this morning, and I'm set to receive the shipment of Artella 3 copies on Thursday morning. As soon as they arrive, we'll be in turbo mode over here to get them out to you by the end of the week. So start looking for it in your mailbox this weekend! To order a copy of your own, go to the individual issues page. Not sure if you want to order Artella for your very own? Check out what folks said about issue 2! Artful Links! 1. I got a real kick out of a watch sold through the FLAX catalog. It's inspired by a painting by Charles Demuth, which was inspired by a poem by William Carlos Williams. Now is that an Artella product, or what? To see it, go to the FLAX art Web site and enter #53151 as the product number. While you're there, browse through FLAX's great art supplies. I especially love their huge and wondorous collection of art papers. 2. Here's a fun and funky link: is the Web page for an artist who designs really fun and whimsical jewelry, creates fantastic paintings, and also sponsors and intriguing ever-growing collection of photo-booth photos from people all over the world. So very Amelie, and so very FUN! Go take a look at her site! Sending you pockets with wonderful memories ~humming with the fleurs, Marney Artella Editor To ensure delivery of this newsletter, take a minute now and create a contact in your email address book for If you don't, your Internet Service Provider(ISP) may block delivery. If you'd like more information about ensuring delivery, you can request our instructions for ensuring delivery to hotmail, aol, and yahoo ISPs by sending a blank email to |
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