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Articulation 8-21-03 August 21, 2003 |
Hi ~ Greetings to from New York on this summery Thursday evening. Sometimes when you start writing about one thing, a tangent calls you, instead. Here's a tangent of mine: To view Juicy Digression, click here! If the above doesn't work, you can cut and paste this URL in your browser: Summer Fun! If you haven't been watching Mars in the sky, you should take a look. It's the really bright reddish object that's near the moon, getting brighter every night. I'm told it will peak in size on August 27th, when it will be closer to the earth than it will be until 2289. Take a moment and enjoy what has never been seen by anyone living to do. (By the way, I'm not a scientist, just someone who enjoys the rare and unusual gifts of the universe. For more facts about this event, you can search the internet to find lots of information.) Artella News! 1. Creative bARTering Group Launched! I'm very excited to announce Artella's newest online community, a forum for bartering goods and services of all kinds. Powered by Yahoo! groups, Creative bARTering was announced only yesterday, and already there are "haves" and "wants" posted in the database, and exchanges are being made! I invite you to come join in the bartering fun to see what is possible when we open our minds to find a new (but age-old) way to give and take! To join this group, send a blank email to Please note that your membership must be approved by one of the Creative bARTering moderators, Deb or Jody. This is only in effort to elinate spammers or irrelevant advertisement. Simply tell them that you heard about it in Articulation! 2. FREE Creative Workshop! My next free teleworkshop, WordJazz Poetry: A Play Date with Words and Your Creative Spirit, is set for THIS Monday, August 25th, from 8:30-10:00pm EST. You can reserve your spot right away by sending a blank email to Artful Links! 1. If you're an artist, you probably know about Dover Publications, the publishing house of countless books with copyright-free images. But you may not know that they have a really nifty "Dover Sampler" that they send out every Friday, with links to a select assortment of Dover books...along with free image clips that you can download. I joined a couple of weeks ago (thanks to a recommendation by Deb Silva) and already I've downloaded some really fun stuff. You can sign up for the Sampler on the Dover Web site...and have fun poking around, while you're there. 2. I recently heard about the process of Touch Drawing, and I really enjoyed reading about it on the Web site. In this simple yet profound process, paper is placed under a place page and wherever the paper is touched, an imprint is made on the back side. But it's far more than a technique - there's a whole methodology behind it that I found fascinating. I especially enjoyed reading the Touch Drawing stories. Sending you a moment with which to be perfectly paired. ~ripely, Marney Artella Editor To ensure delivery of this newsletter, take a minute now and create a contact in your email address book for If you don't, your Internet Service Provider(ISP) may block delivery. If you'd like more information about ensuring delivery, you can request our instructions for ensuring delivery to hotmail, aol, and yahoo ISPs by sending a blank email to |
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