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Articulation 7-8-03 July 09, 2003 |
Hi ~ Hello to all of you wonderful, creative souls...hope you are off to a great summery week! I offer this week's Articulation, Story Hour, to honor my wonderful immediate and extended family. I hope you enjoy it. To view Story Hour, click here! If the above doesn't work, you can cut and paste this URL in your browser: Artella News! 1. Get a FREE booklet to inspire your art and writing! I've had a great time distributing the free creative booklet, 101 Topics and Triggers for Explorations in Collage and Writing, to ANYONE who spreads the word about Artella! It's this simple: just take a moment or two to forward this newsletter, or send a quick email sharing our offer for the free trial issue of e-Artella, or simply pass along the Web site URL with your recommendation. After you pass on the info. to as many good folks as you can, just send me an email (blank is fine)with "Spreading the Word" in the Subject line. As a thank you for your help, I'll send you the 101 Topics and Triggers file, which I compiled just for this spread-the-word project. It's a small way of saying thank you for for extending Artella to a bigger circle. 2. Get out of the rut! Back by very popular demand, the FREE teleworkshop, Collaging Your Creative Revolutions, is being offered on Tuesday, July 15th from 8:30-10:00pm EST. In this workshop, you'll use the fun and easy-going process of collage to open your mind up to new possiblities for your dreams, goals, and intentions. You'll even get a free workbook following the class to help you expand on the work you began. This will be the last time this free teleworkshop will be offered this summer, so be sure to reserve your spot right away by sending a blank email to Click hear to read what participants have said about this FREE workshop! 3. FLIGHT deadline is July 15! Just a reminder that the deadline for submissions for the upcoming issue on the theme of FLIGHT are due by July 15. Let me know if you have any questions about submissions. If you're a writer or artist and you'd like information about participating in Artella's waltz of words and art, just send a blank email to 4. Artella 3 is coming! The publishing fairies and I are busy getting Artella 3, "passion: art to heart", to press. Yes, I DO believe in fairies, I DO! :-) Seriously, I am really psyched about this issue. Not only are the themes of the works so rich and intense, the media of artwork presented is more varied than ever. Check it out...this issue includes examples of tapestry, collage, paintings on varied surfaces, mixed media sculpture, carved plastiline sculpture, drawing, photography, and art journaling. To order a copy of this issue, just visit the individual issues page. Treat your Muse to that play date that she truly deserves! Click here read the latest buzz from blissful Artella readers! 5. FREE trials for e-courses! We offer FREE trials of our e-courses, Writes and Passages: A Guide to Becoming an Every Day Writer and Goalar Energy: A Unique Guidance Program for Extraordinary Action. The latest session of Goalar Energy just wrapped up this week, with more success stories coming in and making my heart sing. Just got this from Goalar Energy participant Sally Yorke... "In my otherwise insane world right now, your email lessons have given me a bright spot in my journey trying to decide what direction I should take. I have manydecisions that I have to make and you have given me ME back. Setting goals again has brought a peace that has been missing in my life. I knew that something needed to change and the knowledge and insight you have shared aretotally appreciated.." Thank you, Sally! :-) Click here to read more about Goalar Energy and to sign up for the FREE trial. Artful Links! 1. 7 Gypsies is a new art supply manufacturer that designs wonderful papers, journals, and all kinds of ephemera for artists. Their site is a lot of fun to visit. You can't order anything from it (they only sell wholesale to retail establishments) but there is a lot of wonderful eye-candy to get lost in. Best part of the site is that every page has a brief "travel story" in the margin, highlighting someplace wonderful in the world. Just those quips alone are worth navigating the site for a little while. Go visit and have fun! 2. I had a lot of fun visiting The Poetry Doctor. I'll let this very energetic site speak for itself. Trust me, go take a visit. And thanks to Artella contributor Barb Abramson for this recommendation! Click here for archives of past Artful Links. Do YOU know of an Artful Link? Let me know! I'm always looking for new links to share in this newsletter. Sending you a rendezvous with a memory or two. ~vintagely, Marney Artella Editor To ensure delivery of this newsletter, take a minute now and create a contact in your email address book for If you don't, your Internet Service Provider(ISP) may block delivery. If you'd like more information about ensuring delivery, you can request our instructions for ensuring delivery to hotmail, aol, and yahoo ISPs by sending a blank email to |
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