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Articulation 7-30-03 July 30, 2003 |
Hi ~ Greetings! Wow, it seems like just yesterday I was writing Grand Entrance for July 1. And here it is the end of the month, already. What is it about summer months that makes the time go by so quickly? Shouldn't it be the other way around....I mean, aren't summer days supposed to actually be longer? At any rate, my summer offering for this week's Articulation is called Inner Compass. To view Inner Compass, click here! If the above doesn't work, you can cut and paste this URL in your browser: Summer Fun! For no other reason than because it's summer and I thought it would be fun, I'm announcing an "Articulation Scavenger Hunt". Below, you'll find six questions, the answers to which are in the archives of the Articulation art offerings. ALL players who send me the correct answers will receive a special PDF file with a collection of really groovy artsy clip art. Players will also be put in a drawing to win TWO FREE ISSUES of Artella. (Good for any issues, any time.) The answers to all of the questions can be found at the archives page, which is So scavenge away! Here are the questions: QUESTION #1: A drawing the sky (when it is stirred up just a little bit) is an example of art from the ___________________ Movement. QUESTION #2: Why do the daffodils all start blooming on the very same day? QUESTION #3: A dictionary created an explosion of art between the words _______ and _________. QUESTION #4: Where was “I” standing when a miracle winked my way? QUESTION #5: What is “Precious since the stone age like humans, gods, water, love, dreams, time”? QUESTION #6:Who jumps rope with “you” on the merry-go-round as the dreamspinner surrenders you to dreaming? See, isn't this fun? And while you'll going through all the Articulation archives, be sure to tell a friend about Articulation and Artella. If you send me an email (blank is fine) with "Spreading the Word" in the Subject line, I'll send you a PDF booklet I put together called 101 Topics and Triggers. It's my way of saying thank you for your Artellavangelism. Artella News! 1. FREE Creative Workshop! One of my favorite things to do is lead free monthly teleworkshops, so that I can hang out with YOU wonderful people! My next free teleworkshop, WordJazz Poetry: A Play Date with Words and Your Creative Spirit, is on Monday, August 25th, from 8:30-10:00pm EST. You can reserve your spot right away by sending a blank email to 2. FLIGHT deadline is August 1! Just a quick reminder that the deadline for the FLIGHT issue is officially tomorrow. If you are working on something and need a tad more time, let me know. I have a bit of flexibility with the deadline but I do need to get an idea of all of the submissions I have so that I can start working on the layout. 5. Artella 3 is WALKING from Florida to New York! Well, not really. But I am still waiting for Artella 3 to come back from my printer. I'm told it will be shipped on Friday, which will mean it will probably get to YOU by next Friday. Thanks for your patience. To order a copy of your own, go to the individual issues page. And don't forget to request your free copy of e-Artella from the Web site, if you haven't done so yet. And click here to read some nice words about Artella. Artful Links! 1. Artella contributor and my dear friend Melissa Chapin has announced a very exciting "Round Robin" Art Journal project called "EmBODYment: Artistic Musings on the Physical Self". She's inviting artists who are passionate about this theme to join a mixed media (visual arts, writing, even music if you can incorporate it!) journal-based round robin focusing on health, illness, disability, fat, thin, birth, death, the senses, personal, cultural reflections on the body--whatever engages you! In a Round Robin project, a journal that you provide is mailed to each participant in a group of 10-12 people, so that they can add their work on the theme. This is done using a circular mailing list (kind of like a bucket brigade) so that each month you will receive a different journal from the person before you and mail a journal to the same person after you. As the weeks go by your journal is passed from player to player and eventually back to you with delicious, unique work from all participants in your group! She's already got several groups going, and I've signed up for one of them, myself. For more information or to ask questions, email Melissa at Artella WOHLEHEARTEDLY endorses this unique Round Robin project...if you're even the slightest bit intrigued, I hope you'll email Melissa! 2. Check out the Remember September page on the Artella Web site. It gives all the information about Gail Ellspermann's Remember September project, a mail art project that commemorates 9/11/01. Absolutely ANYONE is invited to participate...and all the info is at that link. Click here for archives of past Artful Links. Do YOU know of an Artful Link? Let me know! I'm always looking for new links to share in this newsletter. Sending you clouds in all of the right places. ~snoozing in the sun, Marney Artella Editor To ensure delivery of this newsletter, take a minute now and create a contact in your email address book for If you don't, your Internet Service Provider(ISP) may block delivery. If you'd like more information about ensuring delivery, you can request our instructions for ensuring delivery to hotmail, aol, and yahoo ISPs by sending a blank email to |
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