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Articulation 7-23-03 July 23, 2003 |
Hi ~ Greetings! There must be something in the air. Seems like everyone I've spoken to the past few days has had "one of those weeks" where things just keep going wrong. Some people refer to this as "Murphy's Law" (who the heck is Murphy, anyway?) At any rate, I've decided to give this phenomena a different, more optimistic face. You can read my little musing in this week's Articulation, Wrong Gone. To view Wrong Gone, click here! If the above doesn't work, you can cut and paste this URL in your browser: Artella News! 1. Remember September Mail Art Project! Artella is thrilled to help spread the word about the Second Annual Remember September Mail Art Project, developed by Gail Ellspermann as an expressive, artful way to commemorate 9/11/01. We're proud to host the official Web page for Remember September on the Artella Web site, and I do hope that everyone who reads this newsletter will visit the page to get information about contributing to this unique project. It doesn't matter if you're not an "artist", it doesn't even matter if you've ever heard of "mail art", before. Absolutely anyone is invited to participate in this meaningful endeavor. Click here to read about Remember September. 2. Be an "Artellavangelist"! (okay, that only works if you say it out loud...) We're offering a free e-booklet, 101 Topics and Triggers for Explorations in Collage and Writing, to everyone who lets us know that they are spreading the word about Artella. It's easy: just take a moment or two to forward this newsletter, or send a quick email sharing our offer for the free trial issue of e-Artella, or simply pass along the Web site URL with your recommendation. After you pass on the info. to as many good folks as you can, just send me an email (blank is fine)with "Spreading the Word" in the Subject line. As a thank you for your help, I'll send you the 101 Topics and Triggers file, as a small but heartfelt way of saying thank you for your Artellavangelism. :-) 3. Brand new FREE Writers Workshop! I'm leading a brand new free teleworkshop, WordJazz Poetry: A Play Date with Words and Your Creative Spirit, on Monday, August 25th, from 8:30-10:00pm EST. You can reserve your spot right away by sending a blank email to 4. FLIGHT deadline is August 1! Just a quick reminder that the deadline for the FLIGHT issue is August 1. And...I'm putting together an updated "Projects Seeking Partners" list in the next day or so, so if you're a writer or artist interested in submitting your work, just send a blank email to 5. Artella 3 is coming! Artella 3, passion: art to heart has had a few delays (thanks, no doubt, to the Blue Man featured in this week's Articulation art) but it will be on it's way to those who have ordered it, soon! To order a copy of your own, go to the individual issues page. Lots of people are saying that they've never recieved a creative buzz like they do when Artella comes in the mail. In fact, you can click here to read what they are saying! Artful Links! 1. I was quite enchanted by a group of women artists who have a communal Web space, In this virtual gallery, you'll see some wonderful artwork in a variety of media that is accompanied by the artists' own words about their work and creative processes. I really enjoyed this link and thank Goalar Energy participant Tammy Vitale for sharing it with me. Tammy is a "wylde woman" while you're there, be sure to see her wonderful work with clay. 2. I've recommended before, which is a collection of altered covers of The New Yorker magazine, created by my talented mother, Arthiss Kliever. She's now added a new "Favorites" page to showcase her most popular covers. Take a look at this very unusual and clever art form! Click here for archives of past Artful Links. Do YOU know of an Artful Link? Let me know! I'm always looking for new links to share in this newsletter. Sending you wishes for all the right lessons. ~cha-cha-ing with challenges, Marney Artella Editor To ensure delivery of this newsletter, take a minute now and create a contact in your email address book for If you don't, your Internet Service Provider(ISP) may block delivery. If you'd like more information about ensuring delivery, you can request our instructions for ensuring delivery to hotmail, aol, and yahoo ISPs by sending a blank email to |
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