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Articulation 7-1-03 July 01, 2003 |
Hi ~ Happy July, everyone, and a happy holiday week! To our Canadian friends, I send along joyous wishes for a happy Canada Day, today. And I send dazzling July 4 firework wishes for those on this list who live here in the States. May these holidays bring moments of relaxation, fun, and meaning to you all. And may the dawn of a new month offer a perfect punctuation to the past, with a gentle, graceful opening for what is to come. This week's Articulation, Grand Entrance, is my welcome to the new month. To view Grand Entrace, click here! If the above doesn't work, you can cut and paste this URL in your browser: Artella News! 1. Get a FREE booklet to inspire your art and writing! Thanks to everyone who spread the word about Artella last week! We had 42 new signups to this newsletter, and every time I sent out one of the free 101 Topics and Triggers booklets, I just got all goosebumpy, thinking of how marvelous it is that you are partnering with me to share Artella with your friends! In case you missed the original offer, I put together a fun little freebie that you can easily claim, just for telling people about Artella. Just take a moment or two to forward this newsletter, or send a quick email sharing our offer for the free trial issue of e-Artella, or simply pass along the Web site URL with your recommendation. After you pass on the info. to as many good folks as you can, just send me an email (blank is fine)with "Spreading the Word" in the Subject line. As a thank you for your help, I'll send you a PDF file called 101 Topics and Triggers for Explorations in Collage and Writing, which I compiled just for this spread-the-word project. Perfect for times when you're feeling creatively stuck or just need a little nudge. 2. FREE teleworkshop! Back by very popular demand, the free teleworkshop, Collaging Your Creative Revolutions, is being offered on Tuesday, July 15th from 8:30-10:00pm EST. This will be the last time this free teleworkshop will be offered this summer, so be sure to reserve your spot right away by sending a blank email to Click hear to read what participants have said about this FREE workshop! 3. Artella arabesques with the bigtime publishers! We're delighted to report that Somerset Studio magazine will be featuring a lengthy article about Artella in the Melange section of the Nov/Dec 2003 issue. Melange Editor Linda Blinn said of Artella, "I'm dazzled, delighted, and totally delirious." We are excited and grateful for the opportunity for our waltz of words and art to be shared with such a wide audience. Speaking of our wild waltz, Artella issue 3, passion: art to heart will be sent out within a couple of weeks. To reserve your copy, go to the individual issues page and scroll down to the bottom to see the snazzy cover of this upcoming issue. This issue represents the work of 29 artists and writers, and I am so proud to feature their fine work. You can also order e-Artella #e-2 for $4.95 and grab a nearly sold-out copy of Artella 2 for $15.00. Of course, you can also subscribe to save over $20 from the combined price of individual issues. Click here to read raves for Artella 2! 4. Independence Day Sale...50% off Goalar Energy e-course! In honor of the personal freedom we all seek, the popular Artella e-course, Goalar Energy: A Unique Guidance Program for Extraordinary Action is being offered at a 50% discount until July 6. You can even try out a FREE trial first, to sample the first 4 days of this 30-day course. I would love for you to give this trial a try. The course may be exactly what you have been waiting for, as it was for participant Catherine Hart, who wrote me just today and said... "I don't know how to adequately express what this Goalar Energy course has done for me. I feel like our new business venture is so crystallized, that it'll move ahead on its own accord at this point." Way to go, Catherine! And thank you for your words! :-) Click here to read more Goalar Energy and to sign up for the FREE trials. Artful Links! 1. Found Magazine is a quirky site that features "found" stuff - letters, homework assignments, strange lists, drafts of speeches, agendas, etc. It's quite fascinating. Take a look and enjoy!
2. I could have sworn that I already recommended
as an Artful Link, but I couldn't find it anywhere in the archives. So, even if I DID already tell you about this site, it most definitely warrants another appearance. If you have never seen Brian Andreas' work, you will be utterly enchanted by this unique artist and the way he combines words and art. Do your imagination a favor and visit his site soon! |
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