Note: If this message doesn't display in its delightfully colorful formatting, you can view it on the Web at . One of the glorious things about living with a toddler is the ongoing adventure of creative linguistics. This plays itself out in many ways. Sometimes, it's you trying to explain everyday phrases, like the meaning of "tickle your fancy" or "under the weather", LOL. Other times, it's clarifying misunderstandings that can be both touching and hilarious. For example, last weekend, Kai and I were making art, and we were working with a large set of colored pens. I instructed him to carefully pick out one colored pen at time to work with, and then put it back before getting another one. At one point, Kai tried to pull a pen from the package, and a bunch of purplish pens accidentally fell on the floor. I said, "Oh, all the purples!" and bent down to pick them up. Kai got a very apologetic look on his face, and said, "No, not on was an accident! " :-) Doing something "on purpose" may have worrisome connotations for a toddler, but the truth is that when it comes to our creative dreams, purpose is everything . There is an undeniable symbiotic relationship that exists among these three intentions: knowing your purpose, living your purpose, and loving your purpose. Equalizing the time and energy directed toward all three gestures is very often the "missing link" in truly living the lives that we were born to live. These three efforts are like musical notes: on their own, they are "nice", but it is when they are mixed in harmony that they really become beautiful. If you're interested in exploring the concept of your life purpose in more depth, there are a few announcements below that might be of interest to you. We're taking applications for the Spring 2011 Session of the ACT through April 18, and there are lots of free downloads to explore what ACT is all about and help you see if it might be in line with your life purpose. And this coming Thursday, I'll be the special guest in a complimentary teleclass called "The Passion and Purpose Pathway with SARK: Exploring and Discovering What You're Meant to Do & What You Love to Do" which is going to be an awesome time! You can find all the details with the other fun stuff below. For those short on time, to simplify this week's Artellagram, here are some ”quick links” to the highlights in this edition. You can simply follow the links that you're interested in and go directly to that section. | 1. NEW! Complimentary teleclass with SARK and me! This coming Thursday, April 14, I'll be the special guest of Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy (aka SARK) in an inspiring, complimentary teleclass of hers called "The Passion and Purpose Pathway with SARK: Exploring and Discovering What You're Meant to Do & What You Love to Do".
We'll be sharing creative techniques and tools to shed new light on your life to find it AND how to live it. You can get all the details and sign up here. 2. Spring 2011 ACT Session Applications due April 18! We are now taking applications for the Spring 2011 ARTbundance™ Certification Training , which begins at the end of April, with applications due April 18, 2011. If you are considering applying for the Spring 2011 ARTbundance™ Certification Training Program , or if you'd just like to learn more about the ARTbundance™ Philosophy and ARTsignments, here is a whole big bundle of fun freebies for you: - Listen to Audio ACTimonials ! The Audio ACTimonials are a consolidation of about two dozen ACT Graduates sharing their personal experiences with the program. The recording is approx 24 minutes. . .so you can feel free to dip in and listen to a little, or a lot! :-) Listen to your recording, here!
- NEW! Download your free copy of "ARTsignments in Action"! This TeleParty took place this past Thursday, and it was SOOOO much fun, so we really wanted to share it with you! Simply go here to download your own copy of the recording and follow-up ARTsignment™ Workbook!
- Download your free copy of "Discover Wonder Woman's Greatest Superpower! " -- Earlier this month, over 1,000 people signed up to learn how to Lasso Love to Get Things Done in this fun ARTbundance™ workshop, featuring special guests Kathy Cano-Murillo (aka The Crafty Chica) as well as several graduates of the ARTbundance™ Certification Program. Download your copy, here!
- NEW! Free ARTbundance™ Community Events Series! As part of their Certification requirements, our current group of training ARTbundance™ Practitioners will be presenting free teleclass events to the Artella Community, and they all come with a big bundle of free thank-you goodies! See the descriptions of the current events and sign up here!
- Get a Free ARTbundance™ Coaching Session! We're also once again accepting volunteer clients to work with our talented Coaches-in-training in the current group of trainees in Artella's ARTbundance™ Certification Training Program. ARTbundance™ Coaching Session! You can get all the exciting details and sign up for your complimentary session, here!
If you think you might be interested in applying for the Spring 2011 session of the ARTbundance™ Certification Training (ACT), note that applications are being accepted through April 18, 2011, including those applying for a Lonnie D. Kliever Scholarship, through the fund we created in memory of my father. You can get full details about ACT and request an application at: 3. NEW in the Artella Store! We've added some great things in the Store this week, including... -
Three NEW volumes of "Digital Art DO-torials", Artella's collections of digital art tutorials that are especially suited for digital artists who love that "mixed media" look! See the new volumes here! -
Four NEW volumes of "Picture Prompts", Artella's collections of illustrated prompts, suitable for both art journaling and traditional written journaling. See the new editions here! -
NEW Studio Kits: Including "Four Seasons" and "Vintage Photo Album" 4. Join the Affiliate Program! Join Artella's generous Affiliate Program and enjoy all the new affiliate tools that we've recently added! You can get more info by clicking here. 5. Interested in Becoming Part of Artella's Team? We are expanding our team for all the exciting things we're working on this year, so if you're interested in becoming part of the Artella Team, check out this page for details. | For today's "In the Studio" Interview, I'm delighted to present Mikell Worley, who is currently completing her requirements to become a Certified ARTbundance™ Coach and Practitioner. Mikell has such a strong sense of her own life purpose, and helping others find theirs, that I knew she would be the ideal coach to interview this week! Enjoy getting to know Mikell! Artella: What led you to become a Certified ARTbundance™ Coach? Mikell: I first heard Marney speak when I was taking SARK's Dream Boogie. I was very impressed, visited Artella, and was thrilled with the quality of products and Marney's professionalism and creativity. I listened to a couple of the sessions featuring information on ARTbundance™ and knew it would be beneficial. The program has far exceeded my already over-the-moon expectations! Artella: How has your ARTbundance™ training affected your work and/or life? Mikell: In a nutshell, my confidence has increased, I am more productive and creative in every area of my life, I live with more peace and joy, my involvement with the ARTbundance tribe has allowed my to develop some of the closest, most nurturing relationships of my life. As an added bonus, we are not just close, but we are like minded. Interacting with other right-brained creatives has increased my confidence and ultimately my left-brain skills have improved! You can read the rest of Mikell's interview, here A new session of the ARTbundance™ Certification Training Program (ACT) is starting April 25! Applications are now available, and will be accepted through April 18, 2011. For more information and to download an application, simply go here ! | As I was writing about Kai's misunderstanding of the word "purple" to be "purpose", I remembered an ArtSplash that I did for one of Artella's early e-zines, back in 2004. It's called "Painting Over Blueprints" and it expresses how it's never too late to change our plans...OR even change our purpose! For this week's creativity tip, I invite you to create something in response to the topic: "painting over blueprints". It could be: - a piece of artwork (a collage, sketch, ATC, painting, art journal spread, etc. )
- a piece of writing (poem, essay, short story, written meditation)
- a dance or free-movement piece
- a musical piece (instrumental or with lyrics)
You may way to explore these questions as you create: - What do "blueprints" mean, in your life?
- What might "painting over blueprints" mean?
- What might "painting over blueprints" look like?
- What might happen if you "painted over blueprints"?
- How is "painting over blueprints" related to your life purpose?
Have fun! I'd love to see what you come up with! Share your creations with me at! | This Quotz Crystal is a high-resolution jpeg image, suitable for printing. I invite you to print it out and hang it up to inspire you to stay true to your purpose... ~Loving 's life purple, Marney Artella Founder, Mango Lover, Hula Dancer Artella Land ~ the creative isles of words, art, and spirit Artella 9090 Skillman #182A-116 Dallas TX 75243 | | Keep It Coming! To ensure delivery of this newsletter, take a minute now and create a contact in your email address book for If you don't, your Internet Service Provider(ISP) may block delivery. |